Cold eyes

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After being redirected several times in the tunnels, we finally made it to the astounding breakfast hall.

It was massive with high cavernous ceilings of bare rock and hundreds of ‘rebels’ sat on solid wood circular tables, chatting away. Hovering above our heads were plates of food that were swerving towards different tables.

The divine smell of so many dishes made my mouth water and my stomach growl to remind me that I hadn’t eaten for a whole day.

As if sensing us, Amber looked up and caught our eye before giving us a quick wave and a signal for us to go over.

I took a deep breath, put on a friendly smile and walked over to the table with all the confidence I could muster, with Ava walking reluctantly beside me.

We reached the table and the flow of chatter ceased as every face turned towards us sceptically and some even reproachfully. Not exactly the welcome I expected for sure.

Sensing a slight tension growing, Amber quickly chirped in.

“Hi you two! Sit down…” she gestured elegantly to some chairs and we settled down, trying to not think about the uncomfortable silence. “Anyway, everyone this is Blaise and Ava” Some people frowned and everyone stayed silent. “The ones Marlon spoke about. They are joining TSM.”

Although she was smiling, an edge had crept into Amber’s voice and she examined each face around the table.

Now most faces lit in recognition and a sudden curiosity overcame them as they read our faces thoroughly. However there was one that didn’t.

He was sat across from us with cold, dead dark eyes and a tangled mane of black hair covered most of his pale face.

I tried a nervous smile but his lips curled into an almost snarl and I flinched then quickly flitted my eyes away.

Not wanting to look back at him I scanned the table and gave the same smile to everyone else and this time I was welcomed with smiles back.

“Well I’ll introduce you.” Amber started going round the table, voicing the names of everyone “This is Crispin, Stephanie, Isolde, Victor, Lila, Lake, Oran…”

My mind reeled. Oran. The one with the cold eyes.

Not wanting to look afraid, I tried to engage myself again and remember the rest of the names but I couldn't and just ended up nodding my head.

Suddenly a terrible scream rang in my ears and everyone was up, running towards the exit.

The Secret MagiciansOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora