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Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw when that simple wooden door swung inward. I expected a small grey stone room that was damp just like the never ending tunnels. Instead the door opened into an awe inspiring room.

The room was large and in the shape of a circle. On the floor was a thick, rich, midnight blue carpet and the walls were the same colour. However, what amazed me the most was the enchanting ceiling.

At first, I thought it was just a painted ceiling with grey clouds. But whilst I was staring up at it, I noticed the swirling movements of a storm, travelling across the curved ceiling. The clouds were so vivid that I thought they were real but I shook the thought away as we were underground.

What could make something so beautiful and mesmerising?

Realisation dawned on me when Ava breathed into my ear “magic.” My stomach flipped over and I stared at Ava. She was following the movement of the clouds, her blue eyes wide with curiosity and wonder. Probably sensing my gaze she snapped out of her dream-like state and looked me directly in the eye.

Marlon cleared his throat. He was obviously about to start his explanation.

I nodded to show I was engaged. His face creased slightly in concentration and three comfy chairs and a small table flew into the centre of the room.

“Joshua, you may be dismissed now.” Announced Marlon. Joshua gave us a quick smile before hurrying out of the door. “Please sit”.

Ava and I settled into the chairs and I ran my fingers along the soft, expensive fabric, tracing the vine details. Marlon sat across from us and then pulled a small, leather bound book from his coat pocket. A pleasant, warm, tingling sensation stole over me and by the way Ava was looking at me, she felt the same thing.

A small silver lightning bolt appeared on the front of the book.

“Now, before I explain everything, you must both be Bound to silence otherwise you could risk everything. Do you understand?” Marlon’s glittering eyes bore into mine, then Ava’s. We nodded. “Ok. Put your hands on top of the book.” We did so. Marlon placed his hands over ours and my fingers started to vibrate. I glanced up at Marlon, questioningly but he was staring at some point in the distance. Gradually, his eyes turned from green to a deep pink colour.

Suddenly, he started to whisper harshly in a strange language. The book glowed softly beneath our fingers and the whispering stopped. I removed my fingers from the book and Ava followed suit.  Marlon placed the book back into his jacket and I noticed that his eyes were back to that sparkling green. Had I just imagined the colour change?

“You’re now Bound to silence. Would you like me to start explaining?”

“Yes.” Ava and I replied simultaneously. I grinned at her and she smiled back cheekily.

“Ok. I am part of an organisation called The Secret Magicians. TSM is for those with magic ability that wouldn’t be accepted into The School of Magic because they don’t have ‘pure bloodlines’ or in other words aren’t rich enough to attend the school. We teach magic in secret and hope to rebel against the Magicians once we are strong enough to create our own School of Magic, where everyone will be accepted as long as they have magic.”

“Do the Magicians know about you?” asked Ava.

“Yes but they haven’t managed to track us down yet. They don’t want us teaching magic and they have been trying to stop us but with no luck so far.”

“What do we have to do with this then?” I asked. I was confused.

“We have been keeping an eye on both of you for some time now and believe you have shown magical ability. We would like you to join us.” Marlon said very quietly.

It was like a blow to the stomach. I had gone my whole life hating magic and Magicians and it turns out that I had magic! It couldn’t be true. Then everything seemed to fall into place right before my eyes. That was why I saw the Magicians memories at the Parade. That was why he chased me. And…

“So does that mean I used magic to blow myself out of the Magicians prison?” Marlon barked a laugh.

“Yes. I bet they weren’t expecting that! They shall be running all over the city by now.” I small smile played at my lips but panic had struck me. What would they do to Lillie if they found out she was my sister? Had I put her in danger now?

It was as if Marlon had read my mind as his face had sobered up. He probably had.

“Don’t worry. Everyone is safe. We have given your families people to protect them. So will you join us?”

It wouldn’t be easy but if our families were safe that was all that mattered. I looked to Ava for confirmation. She gave a slight nod.

“Yes. We will join you.”

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