The Parade

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The Parade follows the main road. The road goes from the centre of the rich part of the city, through the gates of the wall that separates the rich from the poor and right through the poor part. The road then splits, one goes into the forest and the other loops round to the School of Magic.

The main road was filled with people. The chatter of merchants and families was overwhelming as I pushed past people. In the endless sea of people, it was impossible to see Lillie.

I hopped onto a wooden crate that was leant up against a wall and scanned the crowds.

“Can you see them?” asked Ava. I frowned in concentration, trying to find three people in the busy, bustling crowds.

“No. Why don’t we get closer to the road?”

“Ok.” We were bombarded with merchants trying to sell their goods as we got closer to the road. I gripped the box of cakes tightly when people started to pull at it.

Finally, we broke through the crowd onto the edge of the pavement. Suddenly, I felt some skinny arms wrap around my waist. Lillie’s blue eyes stared up at me with a twinkle of excitement. George and Ava’s father, Owen were walking quickly over to us. Owen nodded politely to me and I smiled at him.

“What’s in the box?” asked Lillie. Her voice was filled with curiosity.

“Just some cakes Joshua gave us to sell. I’m sure he won’t mind if you and George have one.” I winked at them both and gave them each one of the cakes.

“Blaise, would it be ok if I go over to Maisy’s? She has a balcony that she can see the Parade from and has asked me, George and some other people to go over. Please can we go?” asked Lille.

“Of course, as long as you have someone with you. Could you take them Owen?”

Owen looked up in surprise “Er…Yeah…Sure” Owen said, stumbling over his words.

“Ok. Well you better set off then before the Parade starts” I smiled and Lillie gave me a quick hug before her and George skipped off like little lambs and Owen followed close behind.

Ava and I stood talking for a while before walking along the road until we found a good place that would be visible to the Magicians so we could sell the cakes.

Loud music blared out from every direction, making me wince. The grand gates of the wall that separated the rich from the poor swung open dramatically.

“The Parade of Magicians!!!” a deep voice boomed out across the road, so loud that my bones seemed to vibrate. Ava and I both groaned. As soon as the first carriage passed through the gate, we would have to act like we loved the Magicians.

Suddenly, thousands of small, magic made sparks in every colour imaginable danced above everyone’s heads. People stared in wonder and fear. It was the same every year. Many gasped as the sparks exploded into even smaller sparks that showered all over the street. The sparks were so dazzling that I had to rub my eyes before I stopped seeing spots in my vision.

The first carriage started to roll out slowly and even I was surprised at the beauty of it. Two, pure white horses pulled the midnight blue carriage. All over the carriage were tiny, silver stars that twinkled and some even glowed.

“The Head Master of the School of Magic, Lord Edmund Rose, his wife, Lady Annabelle Rose and their daughter Miss Amber Rose!” The voice announced grandly. The Rose’s carriage slowed to a stop and the door of it opened. A beautiful girl with blonde corkscrew curls stepped out. She wore a black, just over the knee, floaty dress with yellow and white flowers and blue leaves. Also she wore a pair of black heels.

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