Some real trouble

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I hit the ground with such force that I could feel every one of my bones vibrating and every breath of air was knocked out of me.

Desperately, I gasped for air as my head span. How had I survived the drop from the floor above? Was anything broken? Had Ava, Lake and Lila escaped?

Plaster, wood and metal rained down on me, sending jerks of pain through my body but I couldn’t move from the shock. Dust filled my airways causing me to cough and my eyes stream and I soon realised that I was stuck under a pile of rubble.

“Where is she?” a voice bellowed and I supressed my coughing, knowing it must be the Magicians.

“She was in the room above here.” Another voice muttered.

I turned my head ever so slowly to look through the gap in the pile of rubble.

“Well do a mind search you idiot! Think for yourself for once!” I almost screamed when I saw one of the Magicians. It was the one at the Parade that had sensed my magic. If he could sense me then, he probably could now.

Suddenly he turned slowly and stared right at me. A malicious grin crept onto his face. He had seen me!

My heart leapt into my throat and I felt an awful sickness.

The Magician was slowly walking towards me, savouring every moment of my pure terror.

What do I do? Would people come back for me? Probably not since I only just joined. My mind screamed, trying to find a way out. But me against two Magicians? I had no chance.

All I could think to do was to fight as long as possible. Maybe it would give Ava and everyone else time to get away if they hadn’t already.

The footsteps stopped and I prepared myself for the very stupid thing I was about to do.

“3….2….1….ARGHHHHHHHHH” I screamed jumping up and pushing the rubble off me.

The Magician grabbed my arm tightly. I swiftly twisted my arm and his grasp disappeared. A blue light whizzed past my ear and exploded when it hit the wall behind me.

I lunged forward, with all my strength and tackled the Magician to the ground.

The impact winded him, giving me enough time to put him in a deadly headlock. He gasped and struggled but still I didn’t loosen my grip.

Suddenly, a hand grasped me roughly by the neck and pulled me off the Magician.

I kicked, scratched and punched but it was no use. Another hand clamped over my mouth.

“Now now Miss Eden. You have caused us some real trouble.” I recognised the voice. Sir Edmund Rose. Amber’s father and the headmaster of the School of Magic. “Look what you have done to my colleague!” he exclaimed and forced my head to see the gasping, flopping, fish out of water state of the other Magician. “What shall we do with you now?”

With that I clamped my teeth onto his thumb and he roared with fury. I pulled away from him and saw that his thumb was bleeding. I smiled at that. Serves him right!

“HOW DARE YOU!” his eyes blazed ferociously.

Without warning, I was thrown backwards, slamming into the wall. An invisible force pinned me to the wall and slowly pushed stronger and stronger.

I could hear my blood rushing, my heart pumping, my lungs gasping. I couldn’t struggle and the will to fight drained away. My vision blurred and I felt dizzy.

“Blaise!” someone shouted. Was I imagining it?

“Blaise, shield now!” this time I definitely heard it and the invisible force disappeared, allowing me to take in big gulps of air. I quickly put up a wavering shield that didn’t hold long.

All of a sudden, hundreds of lights flew across the room from every direction and I flattened myself to the floor, to avoid their deadly burning.

Acrid smoke soon filled the room and I had no idea what was going on.

Two figures strode towards me and I felt relief.                        

Marlon and Joshua.

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