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I woke up, momentarily confused at my surroundings and then everything flooded back to me.  A bright light shone right into my eyes and my vision was blurry so I rubbed my eyes sleepily.

Slowly, I pulled myself out of bed and shook Ava’s shoulder.

“Wake up.” I whispered.

She waved a hand dismissively.

“Wake up!” I repeated more harshly.

She turned over.

“AVA!” I yelled and her eye lids flew open immediately.

“What?” she slurred sleepily but I could tell she was slightly irritated.

“It’s morning.” I said while busying myself by making the bed.

“How can you tell? We’re underground!” Ava sounded exasperated, as she straightened her pyjamas and started to comb her hair.

“I don’t know. It just feels like morning…” a knock interrupted me.

“Who is it?” Ava called.

“Me…Amber” the sweet voice called.

I opened the door and Amber quickly stepped inside and slammed the door shut. She was holding two big, brown paper parcels that were tied up with string.

“Morning!” she chirped cheerfully.

“Thanks. Umm… aren’t you meant to be having lessons at the School of Magic today?” I questioned, confused at why she would be here in the morning.

She shook her head and her perfect blonde curls bounced around. “Yeah but they don’t start until eleven so I normally have breakfast here.”

I rolled my eyes. Typical. I normally had to get up before seven.

“Anyway, breakfast will start in half an hour, don’t worry though, I will save you two a seat and your training will start today.” I nodded reluctantly. “Oh, and I almost forgot. Here” she held out a parcel for each of us. “Put these on and you will get the rest of your kit later, after breakfast.”

After giving us a long list of directions to the breakfast room, Amber skipped out with her usual charm and I smiled thankfully.

Carefully, I unwrapped the brown paper.

Inside, there was a pair of tight black trousers, a midnight blue, floaty shirt with a silver lightning bolt embroidered onto the sleeve and some slip on, black shoes. I frowned at the shoes. They were so unlike my sturdy boots and looked very flimsy.

I slipped on the clothes anyway and turned to see Ava had the exact same outfit apart from her top was a light grey.

I finally clipped on my necklace and pulled my hair up into a messy bun.

“What do we do now?” asked Ava as she plaited her hair and looked uneasily at the door.

“I guess we go to breakfast.” I smiled encouragingly, trying not to think about Lillie or about the Magicians that were probably searching high and low for me.

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