The Secret Magicians

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I sighed as I rolled over in bed. The sun was streaming through the curtains right onto my face. I pulled the covers up over my face.

“UGH” I said as I crawled out of bed and looked out of the window. The narrow street was crowded with carts and people. I could hear muffled shouts of the merchants. The streets weren’t normally busy this early.

Then I remembered. It was Parade day. On Parade day, all the wealthiest people of the city rode around the streets in their carriages. But these aren’t just normal rich people.

They are Magicians.

It is said that only rich people have magic as they have pure blood lines. Today is the day that all the 16 year olds of the rich families get entered into the School of Magic to learn magic.

But all the poor people hate the Magicians but we can’t refuse to go to the Parade or we will be punished. Worst of all, we have to act like we enjoy the Parade.

I looked over at the bed small bed in the corner. There lay my little sister, her face calm in the golden morning sunlight. I smiled. She looked so peaceful when she was asleep.

I moved away from the window and tiptoed downstairs so I didn’t wake her up.

In the downstairs room there was a large wooden table, a fire place in the corner and a couple of cupboards.

I made a cup of fragrant tea. Sitting down on a wooden chair, I wrapped my fingers round the hot cup and looked out at the hustle and bustle in the streets through the window.

“Blaise?” I jumped up and looked behind me. “Sorry did I scare you?” my little sister said.

“No” I tried to keep a straight face but burst out laughing at the big grin on my sister’s face. “Oh be quiet. Do you want a cup of tea Lillie?” I said trying to change the subject.

“Yes please.” Lillie said as she sat down by the fire.

I made some tea and buttered some bread before going over to join her by the fire for breakfast.

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