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“So, are we going to sell these at the Parade?” asked Ava. I frowned. It would be very satisfying to sell the Magicians own food to them but it would be a great risk. They would surely recognise that the fruits, vegetables and herbs were grown in their Gardens.

“No. I know a place we can take them as long as you don’t mind a long walk.” I teased. Ava groaned.

“How long?”

“Not too long”


After about twenty minutes of fast walking, we were breathing heavily and there were droplets of sweat on my forehead. I dabbed my face gently with a piece of cloth and looked at Ava. She had an annoyed expression on her face that I couldn’t help laughing at.

“It’s not funny. You said it wasn’t too far away” Ava muttered whilst taking off her cap so her blonde locks fell out.

“It’s just down that small street.” I pointed in the direction of the street and then took my own cap off so my plait fell onto my back. I started walking quickly down the street and I heard Ava sigh behind me.

I stopped outside a red brick building with large glass windows. As I opened the door a small bell tinkled and an amazing smell tickled my nose. Ava was smiling appreciatively at the smell of fresh bread and cakes.

On the left was a small counter filled with beautifully decorated cakes and pastries. On the right were baskets of bread. We went to the counter at the back of the room and I boosted myself onto the counter.

“Blaise Eden” I cursed as I dropped my satchel and fruit rolled all over the floor. I dropped too my knees and started to pick up the fruit before spinning around with a displeased look on my face while Ava tried to conceal a giggle.

“Joshua Braddock” I said, unimpressed. Joshua was a tall muscular boy with sharp, intelligent blue eyes and blonde hair. Also he was 16, the same age as me and Ava. He wore a white t-shirt and black trousers.

He nodded and smiled at Ava “I’m afraid I haven’t met you before. What’s your name?”

“Ava Mackenzie” she replied, the corners of her mouth twitching up into a pretty smile.

“Nice to meet you. What brings you two here anyway?” he asked.

“Well as you saw, we have some stuff to sell.” I said with an edge of bitterness in my voice. “And I was wondering if there was anything that needs selling at the Parade today” I questioned.

Joshua furrowed his eyebrows slightly then replied “Ok, put the stuff over in the basket over there and I will get some cakes for you to sell. Shall we split the profits fifty-fifty?”

“Sure” I grinned appreciatively and took the fruit, vegetables and herbs in a small wicker basket in the corner of the room. Joshua left the room and Ava immediately turned to me.

“He’s nice, isn’t he? Where did you find this place anyway?” she pressed.

“I was wondering around the streets and I accidentally walked into Joshua. I was a bit lost so he took me to this bakery, gave me some tea and then helped me back to the main road. Then there was the day when I couldn’t sell any of the food to our usual customers so I came here and persuaded him to put the fruit in a pie. From then on, I have occasionally come here to sell the food. And yeah, he is ok.” I smiled.

Joshua came back with a box filled with delicate cakes and pressed a few coins into each of our hands. I got a leather pouch from my satchel and put the coins inside carefully.

“We better be off now.” I exclaimed.

“Ok. I’ll probably see you at the Parade later then.” Joshua answered.

“Bye.” Ava and I chimed together before gathering the box of cakes and setting off to the Parade.

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