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I knew it was stupid to go back to my house but I had no other choice. I needed a couple of things before I went on the move again. Out of breath, I ran into the house. Upstairs, under my bed I had a small amount of money that I grabbed and I popped it into the pouch on my belt.

I ran downstairs, put some food in my satchel then grabbed my dark brown jacket. Finally I grabbed a pale blue scarf that I stuffed into the satchel and then walked outside. Sentimentally, I looked back at my house. At that point I wasn’t sure if I would be able to go back there again.

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I started walking swiftly. I decided to stay in the small alleys with lots of cover so the Magicians wouldn’t be able to see me but I checked each alley before entering into them.

I found myself walking to Ava’s.

When I got to her house, the door swung open immediately and Ava ushered me in. She looked around nervously before shutting the door again.

“I have something for you.” Ava said smiling weakly as she passed me a thin envelope with a dark blue wax seal on it. When I looked closer I saw that it was a lightning bolt and I frowned. I never got mail.

I carefully opened it up, my hands shaking ever so slightly and started to read the letter.

This is what it read:

Miss Blaise Eden,

We have been keeping an eye on you and your friend, Ava Mackenzie for some time now and believe that now is the time to tell you the truth. However, we cannot communicate by letter due to the possibility of interception.

Ava Mackenzie must come with you to the bakery of Joshua Braddock where you will receive further instructions.

Yours sincerely,



Tell no-one of this communication. Everything will soon be cleared.

I knitted my brows together in confusion. Ava stared at me curiously and I handed to letter to her. She took in a sharp breath then had the same look of confusion as on my face.

“Who’s the TSM?” she asked.

“I have no idea. And why have they been watching us? Why are they just contacting us now? What is the truth?” All these questions and more were flooding my mind. Ava shrugged in reply, handing me back the letter. I folded it up and tucked it into my satchel.

My life had been so simple until the Parade. Why did all of this have to happen?

“Well… I guess we should go and find out what all of this is about.” I muttered unenthusiastically. Ava nodded so we set off.

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