☆ I don't need your Letters ☆

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Chapter 37: I don't need your Letters

Jumin pushed open the door to the room they were standing in front of, and caught sight of the man sitting right at the center of the room.

He looked negotiable, so the taller boy let out a sigh of relief.

"We're sorry for intruding."

He apologized, bowing his head a little as he approached the man's desk.

The man stood up, dusting his suit as he did so.

"It's alright."

He smiled.

"Agent 707 comes here sometimes just to unwind a little and chat."

The man shrugged.

Jumin blinked.

"Does he... really not share his feelings with anyone else?"

The raven-haired boy asked, casting a worried gaze towards his lover.

The man in front of him nodded.

"I could tell, whenever he came here, that he was troubled or frustrated. But he never let anything slip his lips. Not once."

He sighed.

Jumin blinked once again, this time in understanding.

"I see. So it was only me."

He muttered, a sad smile going along with his words as the sentence ended.

The man in front of Jumin gave the latter another gentle smile.

"Honestly, I would have rushed over to him if I saw him all injured and bleeding like that."

He admitted, shaking his head.

"But when I saw you holding him as you walked in, it kind of set my heart at peace."

The guy sighed in relief.

Jumin's eyes gleamed.

"I see."

He smiled back.

"Actually, I came to ask something of you."

The raven-haired boy said, his grip tightening on the redhead in his arms.

The man standing in front of him tilted his head to the side.

"What might that be?"

He asked.

"Well, actually, I'm asking on behalf of Saeyoung. He wants to leave the agency, you see."

The taller boy explained.

"But his seniors want to blow up the matter that he's breaking the rule by having relationships outside of the agency. So they kidnapped him, and shot him while he was on the way here to prevent him from explaining himself."

Jumin continued on, looking down once in a while to check that his lover was not in too much pain.

The man sighed.

"He's breaking the rule, that's correct. But I don't see why it's so much of a problem to let him leave the agency."

He blinked, walking over to place his hand reassuringly on Jumin's shoulder.

"If it's fear for exposing information, then if anything, we'll keep him under his current secret identity so that he can be identified if he ever exposed anything. But I doubt he would."

The guy shrugged.

Jumin breathed, a smile on his face.

"So he can leave the agency?"

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