☆ Tech Savvy ☆

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Chapter 28: Tech Savvy

Jumin looked over Seven's shoulder, curious as to what the latter was up to.

Turns out, the redhead was going song-hunting, downloading piece after piece into his memory-cramped phone.

The taller boy blinked, curious.

"Are you searching for a specific type of song?"

He asked, causing the shorter boy to jolt in surprise.

Seven slapped Jumin's shoulder lightly.

"Don't scare me like that."

He sighed, turning back to his phone.

Then he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm searching for songs from three different series'; Dream Festival, iDolish7 and Natsume Yuujinchou."

Seven finished, continuing to scroll through countless search results.

Jumin raised his eyebrow.

Guess this guy watches a lot of anime.

The raven-haired boy peered closer at the redhead's phone.

"Akane Sasu?"

He pronounced the text typed in the search box quizzically.

The shorter boy next to him nodded his head.

"Natsume Yuujinchou's ending theme."

He said, foraging through a couple of search results for this same song, but somehow unsuccessfully in a way, as he continued to be disatisfied with each one and searched further.

Jumin began to become even more confused.

"Why aren't you downloading any of the songs that have shown up as results?"

He asked, pointing at how far the scrolling bar had dropped.

Seven shrugged.

"They're either incomplete versions, covers, or a different song with the same name."

The redhead sighed.

"Guess I'll have to go on Youtube."

He said finally, clicking his tongue.

Jumin watched as the shorter boy efficiently closed and switched tabs in split seconds, before typing in his search result and scrolling down again.

Seven clicked on the first result.

He listened in for a few seconds before snapping his fingers.

"Aha! This is the full version. The sound is high definition too, exactly what I needed."

The redhead said, smiling in satisfaction.

Jumin tilted his head to the side.

"How do you even know? You've only listened to it for a couple of seconds."

The businessman was more confused than ever.

Seven flashed him a grin.

"Listen, and be embraced by my knowledge."

The shorter boy started, as if eager to answer the question.

"Shorter versions of songs like this one are usually one to two minutes long. The complete and full versions are usually up to four, five or six minutes long; depending on the song."

Seven said, pointing over to the song length at the bottom of each video clip.

Jumin nodded his head.

"But Youtube doesn't let you download videos."

The taller boy stated, raising an eyebrow.

The redhead next to him laughed.

"That's correct. Which is why I have my other genius methods!"

He winked, beginning to laugh again.

Seven switched the tab again, this time going to a different website.

"See here. This website allows me to convert youtube videos to mp3 formatted audio clips."

The redhead grinned as he pasted the previous video's link into the box provided on the site and clicked 'convert'.

Then in seconds, he downloaded the video - except that it was now in audio format and a new addition to his collection of songs.

Jumin was actually impressed.

In fact, he was so impressed that his eyes glinted when he turned to Seven.

The redhead lifted an eyebrow and laughed.

"Why do you look so surprised? This is basic stuff."

The shorter boy grinned, amused.

Jumin shrugged.

"You're kind of amazing, you know?"

The taller boy chuckled.

Seven turned a little red in the face.

"Aww, come on! T-this is simple stuff, man..."

He trailed off, clearly flattered.

Jumin smiled.

"I don't even know how to do this 'simple stuff', then."

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