☆ It's Not Fair ☆

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Chapter 10: It's Not Fair

Seven sat on the couch in Jumin's living room, scrolling through countless posts on social media.

Aware that Jumin went to the kitchen to prepare lunch, he waited patiently while occupied with his newest search result - 'Does Jumin Han... have a girlfriend?'

To be concerned about such a thing is unlike me...

But even so, his fingers tapped away at the phone's on-screen keyboard, eager for an answer.

In fact, eager for only one specific answer.


His lips spread into a grin as he looked at the two letters, inked clearly in black and white on the webpage.

Wait, why am I so happy?

He glanced over in Jumin's direction, only to see the latter muttering to himself.

He gasped silently.

Is he wishing for a girlfriend?!

The redhead turned back towards the coffee table in front of him and chewed on his bottom lip.

No, no, no. He stated clearly in the RFA chatroom that he doesn't want to date.

Wait, when did he say that...

Unsure of where to place his nervous hands, Seven let them settle on Elizabeth 3rd's fur.

She meowed, catching his attention.

He flinched at the sudden sound, and sighed.

Why am I even concerned?!

I'm just a friend!

A friend!

He erased his search results hastily, feeling slightly guilty for searching up such a question.

Okay, sure, he doesn't have a girlfriend.

But is he gay?

No, if he's bisexual, it's good enough...

As long as I have hope-

He blinked.


Hope for what?!

Hey, what's wrong with me today?!

The redhead ruffled his hair in slight frustration, confused and unsure of his own feelings.

Elizabeth 3rd looked up at him curiously.

He looked back for a while, before grabbing her into a hug.

"Elly! You're the only one who understands me! Tell me what's wrong with me today!"

Jumin cast a glare in his direction.

Seven stuck out his tongue at the man standing in the kitchen.

Then he snickered.

I bet he's jealous that I'm getting all of Elly's attention...

He hugged the cat in his arms for a little longer, before giving her a small peck on the cheek.

At that, Jumin seemed to be burning with anger-

-because he left the stove and walked right into the living room, only to place Elizabeth 3rd gently on the coffee table and grab Seven by the collar.

The redhead, of course, was surprised.

And slightly frightened.

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

Sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry!

Seven squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for a slap of some sort.

But it never came.

Jumin sighed, and the redhead cautiously opened his eyes.

The taller guy met the redhead's gaze with his serious one.

"It's not fair."

Seven blinked.


"W-what's not fair?"

He asked, confused.

Jumin grit his teeth.

"It's not fair that only she got a kiss."

Then there was silence.



Seven tried to comprehend what was happening.

It's not fair because of what?!

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