☆ An Arrow of Light ☆

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Chapter 18: An Arrow of Light

Jumin's gaze settled on Seven.

An arrow of light shoots through my heart...

I think I remember a song like that.

How did it go again...?

I can't quite remember...

Jumin felt himself relax, the latter now leaning on an arm, gaze still fixated on the boy in front of him.

And for some reason, his chest hurt.

Perhaps it was the realization that he and Seven were so close, and yet worlds apart.

Or maybe the fact that many things would stand in their way if they ever got together.

I've come to realize...

... That it's always so hard to get the person I love...

People always stand in my way, or the person never realizes it...

It ends up with nothing happening.

That was love.

Easy to find, hard to get.

He sighed.

No matter how many kisses you give me, it's not enough.

I need your feelings, not your affection...

The black-haired man's gaze was now downcast, and even the redhead in front of him noticed it.


Seven called quietly, looking worried and concerned altogether.

He tilted his head to the side.

"Are you alright?"

He asked.

Jumin nodded slowly, sighing after which.

"You know, I don't listen to songs much- especially those of foreign languages- but there's a song I do want to hear again."

He looked up at Seven expectantly, and the latter passed him his phone.

"You want to search it up, don't you?"

The redhead asked, with a smile.

Jumin smiled back.


And so he reached for the phone, and began to search for the song.

Something about 'An arrow of light shoots through my heart'... There it is.

Jumin tapped on the song stated to be the one he was searching for, and it immediately started playing.

Seven blinked.

This song... I've heard it before...

He leaned on his left arm, the familiar tune playing in his ear.

I didn't watch the anime that the song came from, 'Ao haru ride' or something, but I know that I first loved the song when I came across a fanmade video featuring my favourite couple...

... Iwaizumi and Oikawa.

He smiled to himself, satisfied that he had not forgotten about this song.

I used to be crazy about pairings...

... and now I have practically no time at all to watch shows or movies, so my love for the pairing remains but the time given to it all isn't there anymore.

The redhead sighed a little sadly, remembering how fond he was of the couple.

Still love them, though.

He thought to himself, gazing out of the café's window at the slight drizzle occuring.

Jumin's eyes, as well, were fixated on the view of the now damp streets, but his mind was elsewhere.

The whole world is falling in love

An arrow of light shoots through my heart

I want to understand you

Hey, tell me

When our words miss each other

Just a few tears of regret flow

Busy feelings link together in our hearts

I want to make sure it's tuned properly

I'm entirely taken by my motives

I lose sight of what is important, Run away

And Restart again today

The whole world is falling in love

An arrow of light shoots through my heart

I want to understand everything about you

Hey, let me know

You're only a milimeter away, but so far

In the days of my youth passing by me

I won't forget, I can't forget

This one shining page

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