Chapter 21: My Little Pig

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Sup bitches! It's not a very long chapter but I have another one for ya'll. Music is my Skrillex and is called "Scary Monster and Nice Spirits." -XOXO Sparkle


Chris' POV:

    So, I had a life before all this? I know it sounds weird, but I had never really thought about it. I never thought about what had happened before all this pain, and by the sound of it, I had the perfect life. I had the love of my life, perfea promised scholarship, and a loving family. How could I have been so stupid as to let that all go?

    I'm sitting here with my love sleeping in my arms. I hold him close and think about what we had just done. How had I been so lucky? Before we had made love, he had been telling me about our past together. I faintly remember some of those memories, but not enough. I needed to know everything.

    I felt like I was putting Miles through too much pain by not knowing. I couldn't image how he felt right now. To love someone so much and have so many memories with them, but for them not to remember. It has to be fucking with him.

    Just that thought alone made me feel like shit. I was doing this to him. I had to figure out a way to remember everything!

    I snuggle into the crook of Mile's neck and take in a deep breath. God, he smelled amazing! The smell of honey and cantaloupe filled my nose and I let out a sigh. How did he get so perfect?

    Just having him snuggle up against me made me feel like the luckiest guy in the world. With my little pig by my side, I had everything. And that was all I ever wanted, was to have him by my side.

    I feel Miles stir against my chest as Waylon and Eddie walk through the door. They look at us for a brief moment before going back over to the mattress, where they sat down and snuggled into each other.

    It wasn't hard to figure out what they had been doing. Both of their hair was soaking wet and Waylon was flinching slightly when he walked. At least we weren't the only ones with the same idea.

    I looked back down to the sleeping angel in my arms. Maybe it would be nice to get back to the life we had before, let the memories slowly come back. Maybe one day we could live together in the all American dream house with our own kids. I would come home from work tired and stressed to see my husband's gorgeous face smiling back at me.

    We would eat dinner together every night and share about what happened that day. I would tuck the kids in bed and read to them and when I went back to our bedroom to lay down I would sleep with my man by my side.

    I let out a sigh. That really does sound perfect. Would Miles even want something like that? I let that thought drift through my mind for a moment before realizing that a frown had grown on my face. A small hand reached up to my face and began to rub at my creased brow.

    I look down to see Mile's tired eyes looking back up at me, a slight look of disapproving on his astonishing face.

    "You shouldn't frown so much. Makes you look kinda scary." his voice mumbled out from his hardly moving lips. He pulls himself up so that he is eye level and cups my face in his hands.

    "What's wrong, Chris?" He gives me a tired pout when my lips go into a thin line and let out a frustrated grunt. Maybe I was being stupid about this, thinking so far ahead in the future. Or maybe I was being stupid in thinking that Miles wouldn't want something like that. I don't know anymore. I'm just confusing myself.

    "I was just thinking is all." I couldn't meet his eyes. What if I sounded stupid when I told him? Would he be discouraged and think that I was committing to soon? Would he even want to commit to our relationship still. I know we promised to get married before, but I was different now and was away for so long,

    The worry must have shown on my face because I felt Miles' small warm lips against my temple.

    "Stop worrying so much, you'll give yourself a headache. You can tell me anything, even if it's out of the blue or dumb. If it's bothering you this much then it matters." Hearing those words calmed me and gave me a little hope. Miles ran his thumb across my cheek and leaned his forehead against mine.

    I licked my lips and sucked in a breath. I really should tell him, If I can't tell him something like this then what could I tell him?

    "I, uh... Was just thinking about the future." I paused. How would I say this? Miles seems to understand and nods his head at me encouragingly.

    "What do you see for us in the future." I thought it would be easier to ask him about what he saw instead of me rambling off about what I wished for. If he didn't want anything more than this then I would have to respect that. I wouldn't be happy about it, but I couldn't make love me either.

    He seemed to think a moment before answering. "I still want the same for us as I did back then. I want to wake up and see your face every morning and make breakfast for our kids before school. I want to sit at the table and eat dinner as a family every night and fall asleep in your arms."

    My mouth opens slightly and I let out a relieved chuckle. I can feel my face heating up so I look away.

    "Don't feel stupid for wanting that Chris. One day, we can have that. We just need to get out of here first." I can feel his hands begin to massage the back of my neck as his lips met mine passionately. I let out a sigh of contempt and lean into his touch.

    Before the kiss lead to anything more, Miles pulled away, the grin on his face saying everything. The cheeky little bastard. Kissing me like that and then leaving me hanging.

     I shake my head at him and let out a snort. From now on things were going to get better. No more pain, just the love we have for each other.

    I thought about what he said before. "We just need to get out of here first." Could we really do that? For so long it seemed that I was supposed to keep people from leaving. It must have been something that the doctors said or did to me, but I couldn't remember. So, could I even leave?

    Would my body or mind actually let me leave. For the time that I had been off my rocker, I was told to hurt people who left so would that all return when I tried to go myself? Would that broken side of me try and hurt the others when we go to escape?

    I'm not sure, but it's worth a shot. Right?  

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