Chapter 25 - Heart Break

Start from the beginning

'Ty, I love you. I'm not with Jerome! I s-'

'I trusted you! I gave you my love, my heart and you ripped it to pieces. You betrayed me! What the hell is wrong with you!? I THOUGHT YOU CARED! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU WITH ANYTHING AND NOW THIS IS WHAT I GET IN RETURN!' Ty shouted, tears down his face.

'I do care Ty. I love beyond the ends of the Earth. I'm not with Jerome. I swear I'm not. I love you!' I beg, tears falling dowwn my cheeks.

Shaking his head, Ty said. 'I can't... I'm sorry...But for now...we...are...' He got cut off by his own tears.

'No. Ty. DON'T DO THIS!' I Yell at him, begging for him to stop.

'I'm sorry DJ... But for now...We aren't together anymore...' He said as he left me. I heard the car start up and drive away.

I collapse on the floor, crying. I was alone, cold, crying infront of the hospital. I couldn't stop the horrid tears from flowing. They were filled with memories of me and him, laughing, joking, hugging. Each tear that fell killed a small piece of me inside. I cried and cried. I began to shake and I found it hard to breath. Him and Team Crafted are all I have in this world. Now I have 7...not 8... Not 8 people who can always make me smile. Not 8 people who can cheer me up. Not 8 people I can trus with my heart and soul. That magnifcent 8...reduced to 7. I began to shake more and more and I found it a real struggle to breath. I felt the blackness win this battle and envelop me, hoping to take me away from the pain.


I opened my eyes, the constant sound of beeping lulling me awake. I looked around to find I was hooked up to a heart monitor. There was doctors walking around. I sat up and wondered what happened.

'You are awake. We have to do a few tests before we can let you go,' he said.

'What happened?' I ask.

'You had a panic attack outside. A lady found you and got us to help you,' he said as he wrote something down on a clip board.

I nod and they do some tests like wanting me to read something, exersizes and other things like that. I walked out into the waiting room to leave when I saw someone familiar.

'Jason?' I shout and he runs up to me to hug me

'Heyo DJ. See you are cleared to go then,' He replies.

'Why are you here?' I say.

'Because you are one of my best friends and I wanted to make sure you were ok,' he said in a 'duh' voice like I was oblivious to that fact.

We walked to the car together. It wasn't awkward, just comforting. I was happy walking with him. Recently, Jason and I have grown really close and he is like my brother now. Mitch and I were still inseperable, but Jason was a brother like Mitch. I wanted to curl up in a ball as I though of Ty and Jerome and the other dudes at the house. Ty no doubt has raged at Jerome and the others are trying to sort it out. I wanted to cry at the thought of two of my best friends drifting away from me, leaving me forever. We got in the car and Jason drove to the house. As he pulled up, I began to panic and think of what would happen when I walk through the door. Yelling, fighting, all because of me. 

'Jason...Ty and Jerome are in there...' I say slowly to him.

He turned to face me and asked in a caring voice, 'What do you want to do?'

I struggled to think fo what to do. I knew I would have to face both of them. I cringed at the thought before Jason pu this hand on my shoulder in reassurance.

'It's gonna be fine.' Was all he said.

I nod and we get out the car. Jason opened the door so quiet you wouldn't have known it was being opened. I knew he didn't want us to draw attention from them and he shut the door just as quietly as he had opened it. I stopped and heard everybody joking and laughing. Ty wasn't mad at Jerome because they were sharing jokes. I could feel my heart break in two at that. I sighed and lent against the door. I hung my head as Jason gave me a hug.

'It's alright.' He said.

'No. It's not nothing. They don't even care about me. They are acting like nothing ever happened. Like they don't care I was just in the hospital,' I said into his shoulder.

'They do care...I know they do..' He said. He let me go and walked one step towards the living room. I stayed still as he gestured for me to join him. All I did was sigh and shake my head.

'Please?' He said and I joined him slowly.

We walked in and the laughter vanished and everybody turned to look at us. Mitch looked at me with sympathy but didn't speak. I saw Ty shoot me a murderous glare and I backed away one step to hide behind Jason. They stared at us for a minute. I felt so weak hiding behind Jason, but I was at my weakest right now. Like I was on that night I wanted to kill myself. I looked at my shoes. Jason walked into the living room with me behind him.

'What a nice welcome back,' Jason mutter really angrily, loud enough for everybody to hear. 

I was so close to crying. I had a flashback of my meeting with Mitch, meeting Team Crafted, my date with Ty, my birthday. The flashback ended and I looked at them sadly. I held my necklace that Ty got me as I sniffed. Jaosn then grabbed my wrist as he pulled me outside before letting go. He got in his car and started it up. There was Mitch standing at the door.

'Where are you going?' He asked me.

'I don't know. But none of you want me or Jason here, so I can safely say it's going to be away from here.' I sigh.

'No you can't leave...' Mitch tried to get me to stay.

'I can't handle it Mitch. I'm sorry,' I say as I clutch my necklace hard. I hold my breath as I tore it from my neck and threw it on the ground.

'Goodbye Mitch.' I say as I run into the car.

'Where are we going?' I ask him, strapping myself in.

'Away from here. They are not gonna treat you like dirt on my watch,' He said as we drove away.

I noticed three heads in the window but I couldn't see who they were because Jason was driving away from the house at 1000 miles over the speed limit.

'Jason, please slow down,' I say to him and the car returns to the speed limit rather than light speed.

'Sorry. But they are not going to treat you like crud. I had to leave before something fired up. I swear we are going to sort this out,' he said, pulling into a hotel. We got out and entered the hotel and went up to a room. I couldn't shake thoughts from my mind. Whether Ty would still dispise me, whether I could see him again, if I could face seeing any one from Team Crafted other than Mitch and Jason and whether our friendship would be fixed. I knew the answers. Yes, no, no and no. We went inside the hotel room and Jason flopped onto one of the two beds in the room. I perched myself on the edge of the other, upset. 

'I'm off to sleep. I am shattered.' Jason said, crawling under the covers and falling asleep.

I sighed as I pulled ou tmy phone to play Angry Birds when I saw I had loads of messages. They were from Ty and Mitch. I held my breath as I read hte ones from Ty; 'I'm sorry DJ, but I knew you where cheating...' and 'I thought you cared about me...' I stopped there before I started crying. I looked at the ones from Mitch. 'DJ. Please come back. i'm scared.'

I replied to Mitch and only Mitch. 'Sorry Mitch, but I'm not a pile of dirt. I can't be treated like one. Tell the guys that for me. I hat eto say it...but I'm not coming back... Goodbye Mitch...' I send it as I feel one tear roll down my face.

Mitch replies almost straight away, 'I know DJ. PLEASE COME HOME! I miss you and i'm worried about you. PLEASE come back.' I don't reply to that message as I curl up in the duvet on my bed and cry myself silently to sleep...

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