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       (Song up top goes with the text)  "Chase, why'd you do this to me!" Kayla furiously texted. "Babe, thats how it is, im breaking up with you because there are a ton of cute girls back home, and even if I did have you, I didn't want to be the only guy on the team who didn't have a girl to show off and make everyone jealous! You wouldn't want me to be embarrassed like that! So thats why I started dating Ashlynn." Chase responded like nothing happened. "DONT CALL ME BABE! NOW I SEE YOUR NOT THE GUY I LOVED ALL YOU WANT IS TO GET THE PRETTIEST GIRL SO PEOPLE WILL BE JEALOUS!" Kayla replied angrily. "The way you put it, it sounds like im horrible! Don't put it like that. Now that really cute girl Kylee is texting me" He ended.
      Kayla sat there crying in her room next to all her unpacked boxes. "The guy I dated and loved for three years was just using me. All the kisses I thought were of love, were actually just lies." Kayla thought while hurricanes ran through her brain. She went to her closet and started unpacking the clothes that were still in boxes. Then she flopped on to the mattress that was temporarily on the floor.
      Kayla didn't just find out about Chase cheating on her, he told her. He said he didn't want trouble and he wanted to move on. She respected it in a way because she didn't have to find out herself.
       After a few minutes in deep thought Kayla turned on her phone and checked snapchat. She saw all her old friends were having a sleepover. They were the popular girls in the school. Breana, Maggie, Kylee, and Lindsey. The snap showed them all singing her favorite song, Youth, by Troye Sivan. Kayla smiled because for the caption they wrote "We all miss you😘"
       Then Kayla noticed someone else in the back. It was Ashlynn. Not only had Ashlynn started dating her now-x-boyfriend. She was also her Enemy. Ashlynn wasn't beauty popular, like Kayla and her friends. She was cheer popular, Aka, popular by default. Cheerleaders are popular because they cheer on the football players. Therefore its realitivly easy to become "Cheer Popular"
     All her friends hated Ashlynn too. Thats when Kayla realized it was the before school sleepover. Kayla hosted one every year, but this year she wasn't there. She would invite all the "cool" girls in the grade and if you didn't get an invite your reputation was ruined for the entire year.
       Someone knocked on the door. "Go away" Kayla yelled. "Its me!" A deep voice said. She laughed a little bit, silently to herself. "Come in, I guess" Kayla said in joking voice. Her frown went to a smile. A tall boy with brown hair and deep brown eyes, about 24 entered her room. "Jose!" Kayla said throwing her arms around him. Jose was Kayla's older brother. They were best friends and he helped her through everything. "I just got back from visiting Sarafina!" exclaimed Jose.
Jose's girlfriend Sarafina had been with him for seven years (if you don't count their six month break up during the 4rth year) and Jose had been visiting her in New Mexico a lot. He was planning on proposing soon and he was extremely excited.
Kayla thought of Chase. Then her smile returned to the frown. "Whats up little sis?" Jose asked. Kayla unlocked her phone and handed it to Jose so he could read the messages. After about a few seconds Jose's expression went from a wide smile and being super excited to mad with a look that could make el diablo scared. "Voy a darle él paliza" Jose said in Spanish. "Calm down" Kayla said.
Kayla's family lived in Mexico before moving to Texas when Kayla was seven. They were extremely poor and they would have moved sooner but Kayla's mom, Josefina (Who Kayla calls Mama), refused to leave her family's home. But they ended up moving for the better.
Jose took a deep breath. "Ok but if you need me to deal with it I will" He said in his Spanish accent.
He walked back to his small room across the hall. The place they moved was just a small apartment. Kayla's room only had enough room for a bed and a desk. She had it decorated with things her Papi (dad) sent her from Spain.
He moved back to Spain a few years after they moved to Texas. Her parents were still on good terms and very good friends but Papi wanted to be near his family. They decided to get a divorce about six years earlier and four years ago her papi had married a new woman. She already had an 8 year old son at the time and when they got married they had a little girl.
    The whole apartment was carpeted and the ceiling wasn't very tall. Her brothers both shared a room. Jose and Sergio. Sergio was 14 and extremely annoying in Kayla's mind. Her Mama slept on the couch in the living room because Sergio and Jose were sharing the master bedroom and she refused to let Kayla give up her room because she needed "pricacy." Then there was the kitchen. The floor was tile and there was the fridge and a crusty little stove with counter to connect it.
       "Tamales!" Kayla heard Mama say. She ran into the kitchen before the boys could because if she didn't all of Mama's delicious tamales would be gone. Usually she wouldn't care if there were only one or two for her but today she needed extra to get her mind off of Chase.
        Kayla was a normal sized girl. She was wearing a tunic/ shirt dress with the Hamasa hand on it. She wore one of the long black necklaces. She had on short black boots. Her hair was thick, dark, and long.
      "How do you like this for tomorrow Mama?" She asked Mama. "You look adorable!" She said. "Mija... you look all grown up" Mama said. All of them had a bit of a Spanish accent but Mamas was strongest and Sergio's was the weakest which makes sense because Mama has obviously spent the most time in Mexico and Sergio has spent the least.
     We all sat down and enjoyed the tamales. Tomorrow was Kaylas first day of Juinor year.

Me and You {Finished}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن