Preferences (Switcheroo)

Start from the beginning

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to run with sharp objects?"

You frown, thinking back to all the times they had told you not to run with scissors.

"No, don't think so."

He laughs, and so do you.

It's so weird, him talking with your voice and you talking with his.

Just then, Dean walks in.

"Morning, sister."

He reaches around "your" waist and hugs "you". Sam looks mildly uncomfortable before answering.

"Oh yeah Dean, you too!" He says, voice even higher than yours normally is.

"I don't talk like that!" You say trying to deepen your voice (or Sam's voice) as much as possible, and then clamp a hand over your mouth.

"I don't sound like that either!" He shouts back at you, voice shrill.

"Shut up Sam!"

"Hey, I hate to break up a good argument, but Sammy, why did you just refer to yourself in third person?"

"Yeah Sammy, why'd you do that?"


You look down at Dean, which is weird since you always have to look up at him. You hate admitting you messed up, but you can't take it.

"I'm not Sam, he is!"

You point at "yourself." Dean just looks even more confused. Sam starts laughing and falls on the ground.

"Hey, watch it! I bruise easily!"

"Alright, what the fuck is going on?"

Then Cas walks in.

"They've switched bodies."

You lift Sam back up.

"Yeah. Witch hunt went a little wrong. Whoops!"

The words sound weird coming out in Sam's voice, but it's too late to take them back.

Dean walks out, shaking his head.

"I am Castiel, angel of the Lord!" You shout, deepening your voice considerably.

"(Y/n), please stop," Cas pleads, using your voice. You only continue twirling around the angel blade and accidentally drop it.

"Wait, I'm gonna go see the boys!"

"(Y/n), no!"

"Too late!"

You walk into the room, trying to imitate Cas.

"Hello, Dean."

You tilt your head to look at his brother.


"Hey, Cas. So get this..."

He starts rambling on about some case, but you stare at Dean. After a moment, Dean seems to notice and stares back at you. You strengthen your gaze, trying to imitate Cas.

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