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Maybe I like you older, rougher at the edges. Wiser.

Piercing and jaded.

Take me with your learn'd hands, watch me with your faded eyes.

Love me with your immortal heart and disfigured mind.

Touch me with your withered soul, ancient bones groaning as I moan your name.

Brush your cracked lips against my tender neck, whisper about how much you want me in the morning.

Stride into my mind and bedroom with that confident saunter of Experience.

Exhale nicotine from your charred lungs. Let me taste your addictions.

Let me make you young again.

I'll let you grow me up.

I can give you innocent. I can give you virginal.

I can give you eyes ablaze with wonder and young blood.

As long as you give me a Love Story worthy of the bruises on my cheeks and the scratches down my sides and the fractures of my ribcage.

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