what happened to you

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I'm afraid. So afraid.

So scared that I become as jaded as you someday.

I may be damaged, scratched and tarnished but I believe that I still hold hope for the future; I have retained a certain sense of childlike wonder.

I can't lose that. I can't age that way. I can't surely become worn down and laid bare and mauled so savagely that I lose all hope of ever even being saved.

I hate this. I hate the things and people that have happened to you.

Oh, how I wish to be able to circumnavigate the globe with you; go on an expedition together to find all of your broken pieces. The shards of glass that were once held together as your fragile, stained-glass heart. We would find fragments of you in eroded soil, upon mountaintops, within the home you grew up in, under the floorboards of past lovers' apartments.

I would pick up the parts of yourself that you left behind, threw away. Your edges would cut me. I would colour your broken the richest crimson.

We would dry up the blood. We would carefully store your components. We would gather as many puzzle pieces as we could. We would lay them out on the dusty floor and I would attempt to piece you back together.

Yet no matter what I do you'd always have disfiguring cracks running the length of your soul.

No matter. I would love you regardless. I do anyway.

Please let me try to fix this.

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