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You are floodwater.

You submerge everything around you, demolishing without design.

Your effect spreads rapidly, unabated. You rage on in the night, saturating the city. Buildings are engulfed in your wrath, the air dripping with your precipitation.

You cause a lasting ripple effect.

I'm caught in the rapids, wishing that you would relinquish.

I am shackled to you, there is no escaping your waves caressing my naked skin, your droplets clouding my eyes and your vapour filling my lungs.

You're killing me. But I'd rather die by your hand than mine.

I entered your realm with the hope that I could dry up your pain, seal the open wounds.

Yet, fittingly, all I've gotten is a lungful of water.

If my cerebral hypoxia is what it takes to aid your restoration then so be it.

I'd rather be overcome by your flooding than underwhelmed by your neglect.

Drown me. Deface me. Impair me. Brand me with the signs of having loved.

Tell me every brutality you have suffered and I will endure them with you.

My life never meant much to me, I hope it means something to you.

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