Chapter 46: Air

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"Evieeee. Evie! Evie, where are you?" David moaned deliriously.

"That's what I wanna know," I whispered to myself, arms tightly gripping David.

His leg was bleeding freely, soaking my arm and staining it dark with blood. I grimaced to myself as I tried to ignore the metallic smell of the blood, but it was everywhere. My head, David's leg, Diamond's arm.

"Diamond, wait up!" I called wearily.

Diamond finished peeling bark from a tree to mark the others way, and looked back toward me. "Yeah?"

"We need to wrap David's leg, he's going to lose to much blood. I don't think he's awake enough for the accelerated healing to kick in or start regenerating more blood."

Diamond gently set Tony against a tree with shaky hands, and removed her jacket. She ripped off the sleeves and tied them tightly around his leg. He moaned in pain again, and I let out a choked sob, trying to stay strong for the sake of the other's.

Diamond knelt down to pick up Tony again, but frowned, and stayed down, placing her hands flat on the ground. Diamond could sense vibrations in the earth, and know exactly how far away the thing was. She knew whether it was human or not, and if they were running or walking.

"Diamond? What is it?" I shifted David in my arms, trying to get a better grip. "Do you feel something?"

She didn't speak, just gave her head a quick nod.

"Is it the others?"

"No. Not the right direction. Besides, the legs are moving in the synchronized pattern of fours, not twos. It's some wild animals, in a pack."

"What wild animals? Bears? Deer? Wolves?" I rattled off nervously.

"Not heavy enough to be bears, and there is only about 120 wolves living in Germany, so I think our best bet is to go with deer."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, the odds of us running into wolves are very slim."

As soon as the words left Diamond's mouth, an eerie howl ripped through the silence.

***Harry's POV


The wind outside was howling, and dark clouds were up above. Dark shadows dashed in and out of the trees from the corner of my eyes. Skylar and Derek were off looking in another direction, towards the front of the building looking for Evie.

"Thomas! Jam-" My voice caught in my throat and my chest tightened violently. "Jamie?" I half-whispered, staring in horror at the boy.

He was laying on his stomach, his right elbow lying at an angle no normal elbow lies at. His cheek seemed sunken in which suggested a broken cheek. Dried blood was crusted around his ear, but the worst thing was his back. A huge icicle was stuck directly in the middle of his back.

"Jamie," I whispered, horrified. "Jamie, Jamie, Jamie!"

I sprinted to his side, falling to my knees, unsure of what to do. Gripping the icicle in my hands, I prepared to yank it out.

"No, wait!" A voice cried out. I froze, looking in the direction of the voice. It was Thomas, although he was nearly unrecognizable, his face badly burnt. "You'll only do more damage! Do not pull that icicle out! Melt it down, it'll be less stressful!"

"Your face....are you okay?" I whispered.

Thomas crawled over a pile of rubble. "I'll be fine."

"You look like Two-Face, man, let me put some ice on that." I reached up toward his face.

"I said I'll be fine!" Thomas said sharply, jerking away from my out reaching hands. "Just melt down that icicle!"

"Alright, then help me flip him over so the water stays out of his back." I gently grabbed Jamie's waist, and flipped him over with Thomas' help, so I was now holding him up. His head flopped down to his chest, and I winced when blood began to trickle out of his mouth. "At least he's still breathing. I want him alive."

"Why?" Thomas asked. "I thought you hated the guy."

"I do," I said, concentrating on slowly melting down the icicle. "But Skylar still loves him, at least a little. So I'm gonna do my best to save him. For her."

***Derek's POV

I was pushing my way through melting ice and misshapen chunks of steel, looking for Evie, when my ankle caught on something and I immediately fell onto the ground.

"Unghh." I groaned into the ground. My nose exploded in pain with a crunching noise and my eyes immediately began to water. "What the hell?"

I rolled over, pinching my nose, and through watering eyes, saw what had tripped me. Evie was holding my ankle in a death grip, a massive grin on her face.

"Guess what, Derek?"

"What?!" I snapped angrily, blinking tears out of my eyes.

"I'm alive."

"No shit," I snapped. "Are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine! Not even a scratch! How's everybody else?"

"Uh, Harry, myself, Evalynn, Diamond and Skylar are all okay. I don't know about Jamie or Thomas."

She frowned. "What about David and Tony?"

"They're not doing so well. Tony is unconcious and David is-"

But before I could tell her what was wrong with David, Thomas appeared on top of a pile of rubbish in a panic. "Guys, guys come quick!"

"What, what's wrong?" Evie shouted.

"It's the girls in the woods! Diamond called, and said they're hiding in a tree."

"Why a tree?" I asked.

Thomas only said one word, but it was enough. "Wolves."

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