Chapter 41: Wood

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Everyone gaped at me.

"You're...You're alive!" Skylar said, shocked.



I frowned. "Well let's not all jump up and down for joy about it."

"I just don't understand!" Skylar said.

"You should be dead, Der." David said, shaking his head. "We never got you the cure in time."

"I don't know." I shook my head. "The last thing I remember is being carried to the infirmary by Harry." I glanced around at the room we were in. "Where are we? Are those lightsabers?!" I asked excitedly, starting for one.

I made it all of two steps before someone flung their self at me; Evalynn. "You're alive, you're alive!" she sobbed, arms wrapped around my waist. Her head was buried in my shoulder, her hands fisting in my t shirt. "You're alive, I thought I lost you!"

"Shh, Evalynn. It's okay." I wrapped my arms tightly around her. "It's okay. I'm alive. I'm okay." I glanced around at the others. "What's going on? What are we doing here at..." I checked my watch. "Four in the morning?"

"Bryner got her memory back, the entire building is full of psycho clones who are trying to kill us and we're hiding out here. Oh, and Evie and Tony are being held captive. By Troy. My twin brother's clone by the same name."

Evalynn ripped out of my embrace. "WHAT?!"

"Oh." Skylar said weakly. "Did I forget to mention that part earlier?"


"Evalynn, calm down-" Harry started.

"Don't tell me to be calm, Ice Queen!" Evalynn hissed.

"You'll attract the clones! Be quiet!" David pleaded.

There was a thump at the door which caused everyone to jump. David shot Evalynn an angry look which she returned with the middle finger.

Suddenly, Stacy burst through the door, and then collapsed near Diamond, eyes rolling backward, body shaking in a fit. Diamond's body did the same, and Evalynn stifled a scream.

I grabbed her hand and squeezed it, not knowing what the hell was going on. Evie and Tony stumbled in after Stacy, Tony badly bleeding and bruised. He sank to the floor, wheezing, blood trickling from his mouth and chin.

I dropped Evalynn's hand and raced over to Tony's side as Evie rushed past me to get to Diamond.

"Der," Tony said weakly. "You're alive."

"Yeah," I said looking him up and down. "Are you?"

Tony chuckled, and then winced. "I think so. Hurts like a bitch, but Evie said it's the accelerated healing." His glassy eyes focused on Diamond and Stacy having fits on the floor. "What's going on?"

I shrugged. "Wish I knew. I just woke up."

"Help me over." He said, trying to sit up.


"Help me over!" He said, demanding.

Sighing, I leaned over and helped him stand up. We slowly made our way over to Diamond and Stacy, still convulsing when suddenly, Diamond sat straight up with a gasp.

"Diamond?" Thomas prompted.

"I'm...I'm me again! I'm me again!" she reached out for the nearest person, who happened to be me, and pulled me into a hug so tight it cracked my back.

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