Chapter 4: Wood(Derek)

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Skylar went rigid in her seat. Diamond gasped, and Evie's smile froze on her face. Evalynn burst out laughing. "The Anti-Forces?!" She managed to get out between peals of laughter. "Couldn't you come up with something, a little more, I don't know...creative?"

"What the fuck is going on here?" Tony asked. Diamond hit him.

"That's exactly what I would like to know!" Skylar's face was red. "Is this some sort of sick joke? Because its not funny!"

I sat forward, intrigued. "What's The Anti-Forces?"

Chester looked at me. "And you would be..?"

"Derek Jon Fox, 21 years old, and damn ready to graduate," I held up the champagne to him, and then took another swig out of the almost empty bottle.

"Well, Derek, The Anti-Forces is an establishment dedicated to solely stopping The Forces," Chester looked at me.

"Yes, because now, everything is so much clearer, thank you!" I slurred.

David ripped the bottle out of my hands. "I think that's enough, Derek,"

I waved him off. "Explain please," I asked Chester.

He sighed and glanced around the room at the girls. "The Forces was an organization founded in 1931 by a young man. The leader was bent on genetically enhancing everyone or just killing the ones who refuse and enslaving the ones who didn't turn out correctly, but it once was just a science lab, dedicated to cloning, genetic enhancements, assassin training,"

"Yeah, we heard that already!" Diamond snapped.

"We also took care of it," Skylar said as calmly as she could. "Evie blew the damn thing up!"

"Right, well, you do know that Bryner most likely teleported out of the building before it exploded, correct?"

Evie sighed. "It's a possibilty,"

"What the hell are you guys going on about?" Harry asked. All the guys were obviously as confused as I was.

"Can it, Anderson," Evalynn scowled.

"What's the point of us here, Chester? To tell us things we already know?" Skylar was exasperated.

"No," Chester answered. "I brought you here to help me. The Anti-Forces is terribly understaffed, and who better to help than the four girls who saved the world once before!"

"What?" I asked, super confused. But no one was paying us guys any attention.

"Look, whatever is it you want, we're not interested, thanks," Skylar stood up to leave.

"Ms. Hastings! Have a seat!"

She immediately sat.

"There is a woman in Germany who matches the description of Bryner. She is working in a laboratory there, and I eight to go under cover there and see if it is her. You eight are the only ones strong enough to face her if it is her anyway,"

"So you want us to go and fight your battles for you?" Diamond said. "What are we, your servants?"

"No," Chester said. "You're our last hope,"

"Way to kill the mood," I muttered.

"But why are the guys here?" Skylar asked, still dubious. "They had nothing to do with us the last time,"

"Oh my gosh!" Diamond suddenly said. Everyone turned to look at her. "David, you struck Evie with lightning right? Like real, actual lightning?"

"Yes! Thank you for listening!" He threw up his hands.

"And Harry!" She turned to him. "You froze David's finger!"

He frowned. "Well it couldn't have been me, I mean how is that even possible?"

"Exactly! How is that even possible!" Diamond turned to Chester, wide eyed. "Unless the secondary elements to ours are capable of being manipulated as well!" She was grinning from ear to ear.

"Elements? Manipulated?" Tony and I exchanged a confused glance.

"Well done, Diamond!" Chester praised her. "And do you know, how the people were chosen for the secondary elements?"

She shook her head. "Not the faintest idea, how?" She asked excitedly.

"The people chosen for the four secondary elements are the people the ones who control the four primary elements are genetically hard wired to be with for life. Basically," Chester glanced around the room and grinned. "Basically, your soul mates,"

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