Chapter 37: Air

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CRACK. The black eyed freak flew backwards into the wall with a gust of air, and didn't move.

I felt the familiar twist of guilt in my stomach when he didn't get up, but I didn't have time to dwell on the fact that I had just killed another person. Right now, I just wanted to get Derek to safety and find the others.

I spun around and sprinted down hallways, not knowing where I was going. Harry was on my heels, holding Derek in his arms like a baby.

When we had gotten to the infirmary, there were a bunch of people standing outside the doors, holding machines guns. Dr. Logan started towards them, yelling at them and asking where exactly had they gotten those guns.

That was when one of the idiots with guns had thrown his to the side, reached out and snapped Dr. Logan's neck. I stifled a scream, and the men with guns turned to stare at us. Run! My senses screamed. The people holding the guns had extrememly pale skin, the blue veins easily visible underneath the skin, like a map. Their irises were completely black, their movements stiff.

"Harry..." I heard myself whisper. "What do we do?"

"They're clones," Harry whispered back. "They've got the clone tattoo on their wrist that all the clones get when they're made."

"That's not helpful!" I hissed.

The clones raised their guns, but in a flash I blasted a torrent of air their way and they all flew back into the walls.

"Harry, let's go!" I turned to run, but Harry stopped me.

"Wait!" he dumped Derek in my arms, and scooped up a machine gun. He cocked it, and then grabbed Derek again, balancing the gun on top of him. "Now let's go!"

And that is where we were now, running through the halls, trying to find a place where the clone couldn't get us. We rounded a corner, only to see two clones holding pistols. Harry slung Derek into my arms like a doll, and held the gun up, ready to shoot.

The clones cocked their pistols as well, and pointed one at me and one at Harry. "Drop the gun."

I winced at the horrible sounding voice, but Harry didn't drop the gun, just tightened his grip on it.

"Lower your weapon!" the clones hissed in unison.

"Evalynn," Harry said out of the corner of his mouth, his eyes flicking upward at the rows of lights above us.

"Yeah?" My body was hovered in a protective stance over Derek, who was half-unconscious.

"Duck." Harry raised the gun straight up, and fired. The glass lights exploded, and sparks flew everywhere. I screamed as the room plunged into darkness. The only light was from the gunshots being fired back and forth.

My arms stung as pieces of glass flew down and embedded themselves in my skin.

"Evalynn, help!" I heard Harry cry out.

Unsure of what to do or where anyone was, I sent shock waves of air down the hall, hoping that Harry was out of the way.

I screamed again as a bullet whizzed by my ear, close enough to graze the skin, and behind me, I heard Derek's body hit the floor with a sickening crunch.

Angry and half scared to death, I started making the air in front of Derek, Harry and myself twist violently and quickly, acting as a sort of force field.

There was tiny explosions as the bullets met with the force field, and the bullets shattered in mid air.

I started to lower my hands, desperate to go check on Derek, but Harry grabbed my arm. "Wait!" he hissed. "We don't know if there will be more!"

The Elements Trilogy: The SecondariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora