Chapter 28: Metal

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Eventually, it was time for us all to head back to our units. Diamond said goodbye to Thomas, and he promised her that they would talk later tonight.

We were now outside the genetics unit, waiting for Dr. Mast and Skylar to appear.

"Where do you suppose Skylar is?" I asked

Diamond shrugged. "I don't know." She slipped her phone back into her pocket, and leaned back against the wall. "But David says that Harry is gone also."

I felt my face split into a huge grin. "I wonder what they're up to."

"Oh, come off it Tony." Diamond rolled her eyes. "Skylar isn't like that, and you know it."

I can't help it. I laugh. "You mean to tell me that Skylar isn't gonna have sex before she gets married?"

"That's right."

"Isn't that a little old school?" I said jokingly.

Diamond glared at me, and then I realized something. Diamond and I never even discussed sex. I always figured it was just cause of high school, and the chances of accidents happening.

But now I realize, Diamond probably isn't going to have sex before marriage either.

"You too, huh?" I asked her quietly.

Her face was unreadable." Well maybe, not-"

Suddenly, there was a loud crash, and we both jumped. Dr. Mast was stumbling down the hallway, his floppy hair every which way.

"Hello!" He shouted cheerfully in his British accent. "Where's the short one?"

"We don't know," Diamond admitted.

"Hmm." Dr. Mast's face screwed up, and if he had thick eyesbrows, they would have been pushed together. "This may be bad."

"May be?" I echoed.

"Yes, not showing up for your units can lead up expulsion from Streitkräfte."

I shrugged. I really didn't think Skylar would care all that much. We would only be here three more weeks, and she would probably just hide out in the dorm room.

"Try calling her," Dr. Mast suggested.

Diamond pulled her phone back out, and dialed Skylar's number. After a minute or so, she started talking. "Addison? Where are you, it's time for units. Dr. Mast had me call you."

Her eyes narrowed, and she turned away from Dr. Mast. "You're at a what?!" she hissed into the phone. "What are you doing there?! Addison! Addison! UGH!"

She angrily turned back to Dr. Mast. "She's at a bar." she spat out through clenched teeth.

"Yes, I do believe this will end badly." Dr. Mast said. "She'll have to talk to the heads of the units, and try not to get expelled."

"But couldn't you just let this slide?" Diamond begged. "It's her first offense."

I snorted. This is certainly NOT the first time Skylar has broken the rules.

Dr. Mast shook his head. "I'm afraid it's not up to me. It's up to the head of the units?"

"And they are?" I asked.

"Dr. Lake for cloning, Dr. Oswald for genetics and Dr. Bryner for diseases."

"Dr. Bryner? The red head?"

Dr. Mast nods. "The very same one."

Oh boy. This could end badly.

*** Skylar's POV

Music. That's all I hear right now. Strobe lights flash everywhere, and heavy bass floods throughout the bar, thudding the floor with every beat. German bars are awesome.

Harry made his way back to our table with more beer, and handed me a glass. "This is awesome!" he shouted over the music.

I simply nodded, and took a huge gulp of my beer. I was honestly surprised that the bar was this packed; it was only 1:45, and there was hardly anyway walking room. But then again, it was Germany.

Harry started to talk again, but my phone vibrated, so I held up my finger and answered it. "Helloooo?" So maybe I was a little more buzzed than I thought.

"Addison? Where are you, it's time for units. Dr. Mast had me call you." It was Diamond.

"Hi, Diamond!" I said cheerfully. If I had been sober, I would have known to lie. But I was buzzed, so I simply said. "I'm at a bar with Harry."

"You're at a what?!"

"A bar." I repeated. "You know, with beer? Good freaking beers!" I hollered.

"Good fucking beers!" Harry roared next to me, sloshing beer all over us.

"What are you doing there?!" She shouted.

"Ow, Di. You're hurting my ears." I hung up the phone, as a group of rowdy guys walked over with a tray of shots.

A blonde said something in German, and held out a shot to me.

"I don't know what you said," I said loudly. "But I'm gonna take this," I grabbed the shot off the tray, and drank it.

He grabbed my wrist, and started pulling me out into the dance floor.

Immediately, I felt another hand close around my other wrist. Harry. "She stays with me!" He boomed drunkenly.

The German guy started tugging on me, and speaking in German. Harry yanked the other way, much stronger than usual and I had a sneaking suspicion that his increased strength had kicked in.

"Oww," I moaned. "Guys, you're hurting me!"

Neither guy paid any attention to me.

"Let her go!" Harry snarled.

"He doesn't understand you!" I snapped.

"Yeah?" Harry stumbled forward, fist clenched. "Well maybe he'll understand this!"

"Harry, no!"

Harry's fist connected with the German's chest. There was a terrible cracking noise, and the German flew back sixty feet, and smashed into the wall.

Blood dripped from Harry's split open fingers, and he stared at them in shock.

I ignored him, and lurched forward, shoving my way through shocked onlookers to find the guy.

He was sitting up, clutching his head. Blood dripped from his head through his fingers, and he looked around dazed. I went over to him, but he shoved me away, splattering blood on my already beer-stained shirt.

His eyes focused in Harry, and he drew back his lips in a snarl. "Dämonen!" he hissed at us. "Dämonen!"

I knew enough German to know what he was calling us.

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