Chapter 45: Lightning

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"Me?" I repeated blankly. My hands felt numb as they lay on top of Evalynn. I could barely feel Skylar squeezing them.

"Yes, you!" Skylar's hands traveled down to my wrists, just below my palms, and squeezed. Without even trying, lightning shot out of my fingertips. I didn't even have time to register what Skylar had happened until she took my hands and placed them on top of Evalynn's chest.

"How'd you do that?" I asked, half with it. The pain in my calf was becoming unbearable.

"A little something I discovered while in handcuffs." She answered, watching Evalynn.

I expected nothing. It was just lightning, not an actual defibrillator. But sure enough, Evalynn's eyes flew wide open, and her hands scrabbled at the front of my shirt. "What the fucking hell?" her words were raspy, and her eyes bloodshot. Her breathing was ragged, and I struggled to stay with it.

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Evalynn?"

Her eyes were wild, and her hair stood on end. "Did you electrocute me, you little bastard?" her words came out in a single rush of air.

"You were dead, Eva." Black spots appeared at the corner of my vision, and I blinked rapidly trying to clear it.

"David? You okay?" Skylar put a hand on my shoulder.

"David?" Evalynn sounded concerned, wincing as she sat up.

The pain was no longer isolated to my calf. It was spreading like wildfire up my leg, and into my hip. I collapsed against the ground, seeing stars. I tried to speak, but I couldn't get the words out, only a moan of pain.

"Shit," Skylar winced as she leaned over me, bright eyes searching my face. "Let me guess, your leg is bothering you?"

"How'd you know?" I said hoarsely, attempting to smile.

"Ah, I just know you to damn well. Harry!" Skylar called out. "Harry we need you!"

"What's he gonna do?" My vision was blurring, I vaguely saw Harry appear next to Skylar.

"What's wrong?" Harry's voice seemed a million miles away as the pain from my leg overtook everyone of my senses.

"He's got shrapnel in his leg. Take it out."

***Diamond's POV

"Tony! Tony, wake up please!" My chest and throat hurt from sobbing and hot tears ran down my cheeks.

I was dimly aware of David screaming in pain, not to far behind me, calling out for Evie in the process. I had only half-processed the fact that Evie, Jamie and Thomas were missing. The only thing I could concentrate on was the fact that Tony was unconscious in front of me, only hours of almost being beaten to death.

Derek collapsed on the ground next to me, looking bruised and battered. "Is he alive?"

I couldn't answer, so I nodded while letting out a sob. Derek set his jaw, and slung Tony over his shoulder. I abruptly stopped crying as I watched Tony hang limply over Derek's tall frame, his curls and arms flopping wildly. I scrambled to my feet, and raced after Derek who was headed towards the rest of the group.

Harrry stood up as well, David in his arms. "We gotta get these guys to safety." He said, guesturing to David and Tony.

"Yeah, but where?" Evalynn snapped. "Nowhere in this building is safe!"

Derek pointed behind Evalynn with his arm that was Tony free. "There."

Everyone twisted their heads in unison to look where Derek was pointing. He was pointing to a thick forest, complete with tall trees, huge rocks and howling winds.

"Oh man!" Evalynn complained. "The woods again?!"

*** Derek's POV

"Okay, so. Diamond and Evalynn, take Tony and David and go find a good spot to hide out. Mark trees or something so we know where to find you guys. Derek, Harry and I will stay behind and search for the others." Skylar turned to climb over the pile of ice and rubble, but Evalynn grabbed her shoulder.

"I wanna stay and help." Eva protested.

"No." Skylar said firmly. "You were dead, and literally had to be shocked alive. Besides, if Evie is seriously hurt or dead, you can't be having a nervous breakdown in here. I need you out there, helping Diamond. She can't go out there by herself with two unconcious guys."


"Dammit, Parker!" Skylar snapped. "Every second we waste, is another second those idiot clones from the other half of the building get over here! We can only hope that Troy and Bryner got vaporozed with the explosion, but they had to expect this, so I doubt they did. Now take David and go find a safe spot in the woods. Now!"

Evalynn opened her mouth to retort, but I quickly stepped in front of her. "Eva, please." I said gently, trying to lean down and balance Tony at the same time. "I want you safe."

She swallowed hard, and stared straight up at me. "You'll come back for me, right? You won't die again?"

"I was never dead, Eva."

"Just promise you'll come back." She gave me a withering look, and I smiled down at her.

"I promise Evalynn. I'll make it back to you. I'll never leave you. Okay?"

She gave me a small smile, and pulled me down for a short kiss. "Okay."

I dumped Tony in Diamond's arms, and the rest of us headed off to search for the others.

I apologize for the long wait in between updates. I know this chapter is really short, but I promise the next one will be longer and better.

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