Chapter 18: Ice

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Stacy stormed into the simulated beach area, shirtless, looking half insane. His eyes flitted around the place, and when he saw me in the crowd, he ran right over. "Did you talk to her?" he asked breathlessly.

"What?" I looked up at him.

"The girl you messed it up with! Did you talk to her?"

"Oh." I looked down at the ground. "Yeah. She didn't go for it."

If I didn't know any better, I could have sworn Stacy sighed with relief.

"She's with some other guy now," I continued.

Stacy's head snapped up. "Who?"

I sneered. "Chester Williams. Mr. Posh."

"But Skylar shouldn't be with him!" Stacy blurted out.

"Right?! She should be with-" I stopped and stared at Stacy. He swallowed hard, and I towered menacingly over him. "Where did you hear that name?"

Stacy's mouth opened and closed repeatedly; an attempt to talk, but no words came out.

"Stacy," I growled at him. "Where did you hear that name?!"

"I, uh...I knew Jamie. He was my brother. They dated." He said quickly.

This made little sense. "But I never even said anything about Skylar. I said her name was Addison."

"Yeah, well, I ran into David, he mentioned Addison, and I put two and two together." He rambled out.

"Well then, lets go talk to Skylar, shall we? And why don't you think she should be with Chester? Who do you think she should be with? Jamie is dead."

Stacy's face darkened. "Thanks for reminding me. And I'm not going to talk to her."

"Why not? You're Jamie's brother."

"I can't let her see me."

"Why not? She doesn't know you."

"Yes...she does."

"But she never met you," I countered. This idiot was starting to piss me off.

"Yes, she has." Stacy insisted.

"Listen here, Stacy Shaw...wait, Jamie's last name was Shay...not Shaw." I stared into Stacy's pale blue eyes, trying to make myself look as threatening as possible, even though I probably just looked confused as hell.

Stacy finally cracked. "Yeah, I'm not his brother."

I smashed him into the wall. People stared, but I didn't give a damn. "Then just who the hell are you, and how do you know about Skylar?!"

"My name is Stacy Shaw. I'm 20 years old even though I've technically only been alive for six. I am not Jamie Shay's brother." Stacy locked eyes with me. "I am his clone."

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