Chapter 13: Lightning

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The next day was Saturday, so all the interns had the day off from the training. Evie and I decided to go to the swimming pool and relax.

However, when we got there, it was filled with a group of guys. I stood awkwardly in the two foot section, nervous about the water after yesterday's incident in the simulate ocean.

A friendly-looking guy, with brown hair and freckles swam over and stuck out his hand. "Hello. I'm Timothy." He grinned at me.

I shook his hand. "Hey. I'm David. And this is my girlfriend, Ev-" Evie elbowed me in the side.

She gave Timothy her brightest smile. "I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you,"

"Likewise." The guy stuck his thumb back over his shoulder and pointed to his group of friends. "Those are my friends. Trevor has the blonde highlights, Xander is the red-head and Calvin in the one with the dark hair. We're in our second year of interning here."

"We're only in our first year. I'm in cloning, and Sarah is in..." I trailed off "Sarah what unit are you in? Sarah?" I looked down at Evie, but she was a million miles away, staring at the group of guys with a concentrated look on her face. "Sarah?"

"Huh?" She blinked at me.

"Everything okay?"

"Oh, yeah. I just thought I recognized one of those guys back there." She frowned again, and then leapt out of the pool.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I have to go talk to Skylar." She grabbed her towel, and raced out of the room.

I sighed, and turned around to face Timothy again. His friend that he had introduced as Calvin had made his way over to Timothy. "Hey," he said smoothly. "I'm Calvin,"

"David. British, huh?"

Calvin nodded. "I have the accent. But I've been living in America since I was eighteen."

"How old are you now?"


"I'm twenty-three. Where exactly in America are you from?"

Calvin grinned. "California,"

**Evie's POV

I raced frantically down hallways, around sharp corners and past scientists that yelled at me to slow down. I finally made it to our dorm room and burst through the door.

"Skylar?! Is Skylar here?"

Diamond didn't look away from the TV. "She's somewhere with Chester. I don't know where."

"Shit! She didn't say?"

"No. But she has her cell phone on her, just call her if it's important."

I went into my room and tore through my purse until I found my phone. I dialed Skylar and paced nervously until she picked up.

"Evie?" She said irritably. "I'm kind of busy at the moment. Can I call you later?"

"Skylar! I know you're going to think I'm insane, but you need to listen!"

"What's wrong?" She sounded concerned.

"I don't think Gavin is dead." I said slowly.

"What?" She snapped. "Of course he is! He was killed with my very own sword, remember!" She lowered her voice. "I was the one that killed him."

"I know that! But if he's dead, then why did I just see him at the swimming pool!"

The Elements Trilogy: The SecondariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora