Chapter 23: Ice

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Nothing that I had ever experienced in my life was as terrifying as this. I had been walking down the hallway to the girls room to deliver some news from Chester, when I heard screaming, thumping sounds and then the whole hallway shook.

Puzzled, I had started walking faster when the door next to theirs had flown open, and a tall, middle aged red head came storming out. "Who is making all that damned racket?!" She barked at me.

I jumped, and was rooted to the floor as the woman I knew to be Bryner pounded on the door to the girls room. Diamond flung open the door, Evalynn's head clearly visible over her shoulder.

Diamond let out a terrified squeak, and started to shut the door, but Bryner stuck her foot in the way. "Just what do you think you're doing?!"

Diamond simply squeaked again, and met my eyes with her big brown ones. "Well?!" Bryner barked again.

"We were, erm," Evalynn, for once, was at a loss for words.

"Look, girls, I know I'm head of the diseases lab, but there's no need to be shy. Answer the question!"

"Wrestling!" Evalynn burst out breathlessly.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized she didn't actually recognize them.

Bryner frowned. "Why?"

"We were bored," Diamond said in a high-pitched voice, obviously still scared.

Bryner looked at her. "Are you okay? you seem...squeaky."

Diamond just gulped, and Evalynn stepped forward, speaking smoothly. "She's always like this. It's a voice condition. We call her Mousey."

Diamond gave Evalynn a death glare, as Bryner gave an annoyed huff. "Well keep it down, will you? I'm working on a breakthrough!" she yelled the last part as she stormed away.

Diamond visibly sighed with relief, then rounded on Evalynn. "Mousey?"

Evalynn shrugged, and beckoned me inside. I followed her in.

"Mousey?!" Diamond repeated.

"Oh, let it go, Di!" she said. She flopped down on a couch, and then I realized that everyone was staring at me.

"Well?" Skylar snapped.

"Oh! Erm, well, Chester sent me to deliver some news. Firstly, there's a dance for all first year interns here next week, and we are required to go."

"A dance?" Evalynn's eyes lit up. "Formal?"

I shook my head, and she frowned. "Secondly, his sister, Lily Williams will be arriving next week, and if we see her, we should just give her his room number."

"Next week?" Skylar looked confused. "I thought he was leaving tomorrow?"

I shook my head again. "That's the third thing." I said savagely. "He's decided to stay the whole month... for you."

Skylar's eyes lit up, and Evie got a goofy smile on her face. "That's so cute!" she said.

"Yeah, freaking adorable." I turned and stormed out of the room, and I heard Diamond follow me out.

"Harry, wait!"

I turned around. "Diamond, if this is about Tony, I don't know anything. He's shut in his room, and anytime I talk to him, he throws things at me and shouts in Spanish."

"This isn't about Tony. It's about Skylar."

I frowned. "What about her?"

"You realize this Chester thing is just a fling, right?"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't know, Chestnut seems pretty serious about her to me."

"Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure he's her rebound."

"Rebound? From a death that happened about eight months ago?"

"It's just a crush,"

"Right," I turned to walk away, but she grabbed my shirt and yanked me back.

"Listen! I don't know what's going through your thick head right now, and I probably shouldn't even be talking to you about this, considering you broke up with her for some bimbo-"

At this, I wanted to scream, but I settled for clamping down on my tongue.

"-but for some unknown reason, I want you and Skylar to get back together!"


"So just chill! Chestnut, er, Chester is a fling. A crush? Okay?"

I sighed. "Okay. Thanks"

She simply nodded, and then turned and slammed the wooden door shut in my face.

Diamond's POV

I reentered the room, and Skylar studied me with her blue eyes. "What was that all about?"

"Asking about Tony," I lied.


"Holed up in his room, shouting in Spanish and throwing things." I flopped angrily onto a couch.

"I'm so sorry Diamond!" Evalynn cried.

I glanced over at her. "It's okay, I guess. I'm just sick of fighting."

"Hey, maybe Evalynn just wanted Sparkplug all to herself," Evie teased.

Evalynn wrinkled her nose as I attempted to laugh. "No thanks, he's not my type."

"And what is your type?" Skylar asked.

"Derek and Troy," Evie giggled.

"So, basically hot guys is your type." I said, earning a laugh from Evalynn.

"My brother? Troy? Hot?" Skylar said.

We all nodded.

"My brother?" she repeated. "No. Johnny Depp is hot. Harry Styles is hot. Hell, Evie is hot-"

"Huh?" Evie looked up.

"My brother was the freaking Tin Man!"

"Not to mention there was the minor drawback of him wanting to kill us all and take over the world." I said seriously.

We all then fell over in fits of laughter. We probably would've laughed all evening, if it hadn't been for Evie's phone.

It started ringing and she attempted to answer it without laughing. "Hello?" she bit her lower lip, and tried to keep a serious face.

"Yeah, David, what's up?" Evalynn made a funny face at her, and Evie mimed slashing her throat. Then suddenly, she went still. Very, very still. "Oh. Oh. Yeah. Of course. Are you sure? Positive? Okay, yeah, I believe you. And yeah, don't wanna...But yeah, definitely. Okay, see you tonight. Love you." she hung up the phone.

"Evie?" Skylar asked.

"Huh? What? Nothing."

"Didn't sound like nothing."

"Well it is!" Evie snapped. But the look she then shot at me, told me it wasn't nothing. It wasn't nothing at all.

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