Chapter 5: Lightning

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There was a few seconds of awkward silence, and then Skylar burst out laughing. "I get it! You're kidding, aren't you? This is just somebody's twisted idea of a joke, and we're on Candid Camera or Punk'd or something like that, aren't we?"

"There are no cameras here, Ms. Hastings. Well, except that one there, but that is a security camera. And this is no joke,"

Skylar's laughter died down. "Yeah, I was afraid of that,"

"Wait, so you're telling me that these four girls here can control the four elements and we supposedly can control the ones secondary to them?" Derek sounded awfully confused.

"Mierda," I heard Tony mutter.

"Excuse me?" Chester asked.

"I said bullshit!" Tony said, loudly.

"He talks in Spanish a lot," Diamond explained.

"Could one of you girls...?" Chester looked at them for help.

Skylar glanced at Evie. "You got this?" Evie grinned, and I scooted away a little, knowing what was coming. She stood and seconds later, her entire body was ablaze.

"Hijo de puta, ¿qué diablos está pasando?!" Tony freaked out, and fell over the back of his chair. Harry went slack jawed and Derek shrieked like a little girl.

"Woahh, that is so cool!" Harry grinned, as she extinguished herself. "What else can you guys do?"

A water bottle on Chester's desk started shaking. The water shot out and splashed up in Harry's face, and Skylar smirked. But he grinned. "So. Skylar. You can manipulate water?"

Her smirk faded. "Yeah? So?"

He picked up a water droplet and it froze in his hand. "I'm guessing ice is secondary to water,"

"There is no way I am spending the rest of my life with you," her lip curled.

Suddenly Chester picked up a hunk of metal and whipped it at Tony. Tony's hand flew up and the metal came to a halt, slowly rotating in the air. "You knew about this for a while, didn't you?" Chester said quietly.

Tony's left eye twitched. "I thought I was some kind of freak. Metal moving at my will. Me being able to crumple it like paper. Well, almost any metal," he let the hunk of metal fall to the floor. "I could never do anything with steel,"

Skylar cleared her throat. "Right, well I will let the girls explain that to you later if they like," Chester walked around to the front of his desk and sat on the edge.

"What about Derek, Diamond and Evalynn?" I asked. "I mean, I'm assuming, and hoping lightning is secondary to fire?" Chester nodded. "And ice to water?" Another nod.

"Metal is secondary to earth, Diamond's element, and so that leaves-" Chester was interrupted by Derek.

"That means I'm Evalynn's 'soul mate'," he said drunkenly. "Good, because she is hot,"

Evalynn turned bright red. "That's embarrassing," she muttered.

"So what's his element?" Diamond tried to avert the awkwardness.

"Wood," Chester said. Then he crossed his arms. "Look, are you kids gonna help me or not?"

"You just want us to drop everything in our lives?" Skylar started angrily. "Family, school plans, friends-"

"Skylar, all your friends are here," Evie sighed.

"Regardless. What do we tell our parents this time? More summer boarding school?" She asked sarcastically.

"Internship. Overseas,"

"What's in it for us?" Tony asked.

"Uh, cool powers. A trip to Europe. Not dying?"

"I like not dying," Harry piped up.

Skylar shot him a sideways glance. "What do we have to do? She'll recognize us,"

"Not necessarily," Chester said excitedly. "If she teleported straight from California to Germany, there would have been some side effects, memory loss at the top of the list. She might not recognize any of you eight. But you four girls will have to use alternate names and ID cards. Names might jog her memory,"

"And what about us guys?" I asked.

"Yes, well, you four boys didn't exactly blow up a building she was in, did you? Of course, you will all need fake ID's with ages 21 or over. Derek can just use his real one I suppose...." He looked around at us. "Can I count on you eight for help?"

"Let me get this straight," Skylar said. "We go to Germany. Keep an eye out for Bryner, find her, make sure she doesn't remember us, and then what?"

"If after a month of her not remembering anything passes, you contact us, and we will collect her,"

"And do what exactly?" Diamond asked.

Chester looked at her. "That is none of your concern," he then looked around at us again. "Are you in?" I looked around the room at everyone, but all the girls were looking at Skylar, as if they needed her permission or something.

She sighed heavily. "We're in,"

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