Chapter 1: Lightning(David)

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There was a strange noise, kinda like the noise bug zappers make when bugs fly into them. My girlfriend, Evie, was flung backwards and crashed into the wall of the supply closet we had been kissing in. Mops, brooms and dustpans went flying everywhere.

"David, what the hell?! Are you trying to be-" she stopped talking and sucked in her breath. "How are you doing that?"

I was staring down at my hand, flabbergasted. Little bolts of lightning were running up and down my fingers. But it didn't hurt like you would expect it too. And I could make the bolts move as well. "I-I don't know," I stammered.

Evie untangled herself from a mop, and stood up. "Can you make it stop?"

"I don't know, I don't even know how it started," I don't know why, but I was a little scared. Months ago, at the beginning of the school year, my best friend Skylar Hastings has shown me something awesome. She could control water. She had told me this story about Evie and her twin, and some nerd girl, Diamond. It was a wild tale, about the four of them and an excursion to save the world and I wanted to ask Evie about it, but Skylar begged me not too.

So I let it go. Until a month ago, Evie sneezed and she ended up burning my couch, which made her confirm everything Skylar said.

"Here," Evie's voice brought me back to reality. Her hands burst into flames, something I don't think I was ever going to get used too, and she covered my hands with hers. When she took her hands away, the lightning bolts were gone. She gave me a strange look. "We need to talk to Skylar,"

She yanked the supply closet door open, and I stumbled out after her. "Evie, what's going on?" I asked.

"I don't know," she was half running down the hallway, and I kept tripping over my graduation robes.

"Well, why do we need Skylar?"

"Because she might know what to do!" She turned a corner, and I lurched after her. I finally just yanked up the robes and started taking long strides to match her pace. We found Skylar standing in front of the school doors, talking to Diamond. Tony Sparks and Evalynn were with them, and it looked like they were in the middle of a heated argument.

"Skylar!" Evie said, her voice a mixture of excitement and worry.

Skylar held up a finger. "Not now, Parker. I'm trying to prove a point,"

"I'm trying to get her to go back out with Harry," Tony explained to Evie, in his stupid little Spanish accent. Between his being best friends with Evie for years, and his "Spanish exoticness", I had to admit, I was always a little worried about him and Evie, even if he was with Diamond.

"Harry is my ex, there is a reason we broke up the first time," Skylar fired back.

"Yeah, and that reason is 5'6", with blonde hair, a huge rack and a bubble butt who failed the 12th grade, what's your point?" Tony had his arm draped over Diamond's shoulder.

"Skylar, it's important!" Evie begged.

"Not now, Evie!" Skylar continued ignoring her. "Listen, Antonio," Skylar used his full name when she was irritated with him. "Harry broke up with me a year ago, and I'm over it. It's as simple as that,"

Tony reached down and grabbed Skylar's hand. He twisted a diamond ring that she always wore, off of her finger before she could protest, and dangled it in front of her face. "Are you sure there isn't something else?" He asked.

I didn't know what the ring was from. Tony didn't know what the ring was from. But, evidently, all four girls did. I felt Evie's spine go rigid underneath my arm, and Skylar's cheeks turned white. Diamond stepped out of Tony's embrace. "Give it back," she said in a calm voice.

"No. Not until Skylar tells me why the hell she won't give Harry another chance. And why she always wears this dumb rock in her finger." Tony tilted his head, curious.

"Skylar, are you engaged?" I asked. Evie gave me a look which I could only guess was a "keep-your-mouth-shut-you-stupid-moron" look.

"Tony, give Skylar back the ring," Evalynn said a little louder than Diamond had.

"No, I don't see what the big deal is! It's a ring!" Tony said, exasperated.

"Tony, for God's sake, give the stupid ring back!" Diamond exploded.

Tony froze. Diamond was staring up at him, eyes wide, face red. He slowly handed it back, obviously shocked. But I couldn't blame the guy. Diamond was always calm, never really yelling or shouting out orders.

Skylar snatched it back, and then she glanced up at me. "Over the summer, I met this guy, Jamie at the...boarding school."

"And he, what? He proposed?" I asked. I had never heard anything about this Jamie guy before. And by boarding school, I was assuming she meant the trip across America as I liked to call it.

"He never got the chance," she said quietly. "He died. I found this in Jamie's coat,"

"Skylar, I am so sorry." Tony apologized. "I had no idea about Jamie ..."

"Jamie?" A deep voice said behind Skylar. She turned around and came face to...well chest, with Harry Anderson. A full six feet tall with muscles, the high school quarterback loomed over everyone, including myself who, until now, was proud to be 5'9". "Isn't that kind of a girly name?" He grinned down at Skylar.

For a split second, nobody moved. For a split second, everyone was rooted to the ground. Then, Skylar stood on her tippy toes, drew back her fist, and punched Harry in the face. He went down like a sack of potatoes.

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