Chapter 38: Earth

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I woke up with a gasp. Unaware of where I was, my eyes flew around the room I was in. But as I looked around, I realized I wasn't in a room; in fact, I had no idea if I was even in anything.

All around was white, pure white. There were no walls, no ceiling, no floor. Just white, as far as the eye could see. I glanced down, and I was sitting on a bed with white sheets.

"Hello?" I called out, calmer than I had expected. Then I realized what I was wearing. Just a white t shirt, white jeans and I was barefoot.

Cautiously, I stood up. The white beneath me seemed sturdy enough, so I started walking away from the bed. I was so confused. The last thing I remembered was being shot in the stomach, and Tony, terrified, trying to stop the flow of blood. Now I was here, in this all white room.

"Hello?!" I called out again.

"Diamond." A quiet, familiar voice said.

I spun around. Standing in front of me, in the very same clothing, was a short, handsome, straggly haired blonde boy. "Jamie?"

*** Evie's POV

Five minutes ealier...

Skylar and myself were sitting on a bed in Thomas' room, eating instant pudding out of a big bowl. "If you could get a clone, what would you name her?" I asked.

"Hmm," Skylar licked chocolate pudding off her spoon. "Kyler."

"Kyler? That's a boy's name!"

"It's gender friendly," she retorted. "Just like Skylar." She pointed her spoon at me. "What about you?"

I flopped down on the bed, my head hanging off the edge. "I don't know. Nothing really sounds like, or is close to Evie."

"What about Stevie?" Skylar laid down next to me.

"Okay, now that is not a gender friendly name." I giggled.

Skylar sighed. "Do you think Diamond will pull through?"

A lump formed in my throat. "Do you want the truth?"

"Lie to me." Came the reply.

"Okay. Diamond will make it. She will grow to be old and rich. She'll marry Tony and they will have ten beautiful, Spanish speaking children."

"They would be beautiful children." Skylar agreed.

"Amazingly beautiful."

"What's everybody else doing?" she asked.

"Thomas is with Der. Evalynn and Tony are with Diamond, and David is sleeping and Harry is still probably blasting How to Save a Life by The Fray on repeat."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tiny smile flicker over Skylar's face. "He proposed."

I let out a small laugh. "So I heard. Hard to believe that was just a few hours ago, huh?"


"You gonna say yes?"

Skylar opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a scream from the next room over.

Skylar shot up like a rocket. "Was that Evalynn?" She whispered.

I sat up slowly. "I don't know..."

"NO, NO IT'S NOT TRUE, I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!" a girl's echoed from the other room.

Skylar grabbed my hand and yanked me off the bed, as Evalynn continued screaming. She unnecessarily kicked open the door just into to hear David tell Tony that Diamond was dead.

The Elements Trilogy: The SecondariesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora