Chapter 60: Metal

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"I'm sorry," I said, confused. "You dated Gavin? Gavin?!"

"Yes," Thomas sighed heavily. "Is there a problem?"

"Yes!" Diamond said immediately, earning several angry looks. "Gavin was a nut job! You couldn't have picked a more decent guy?"

"Wait," Thomas held up a hand. "So the only problem you have with me dating Gavin-"

"Is that it was Gavin! I mean, come on, Thomas! Date any guy you want, I don't care, but you obviously need better taste in men."

"Yeah, it obviously doesn't run in the family." I shrugged.

Both Fitz's turned and stared at me with creepily identical expressions that made me want to crawl under a couch.

"Not the time for jokes," I muttered to Harry. "Got it."

"Watch this," Harry whispered. "So, Thomas." He said aloud. "You're not seeing anyone at the moment?"

"No," Thomas frowned. "Why?"

"So, would it be appropriate to say that you are all bi yourself?" Harry said in a serious voice.

Thomas looked confused for several seconds, before realizing what Harry had actually said. "Haha, very funny."

"Thanks," Harry smirked. "I thought so."

"You know, first I found out Derek is bisexual, and now Thomas is." I spoke up. "Everyone is becoming interested in both men and women, and I'm just sitting here, watching the world go bi."

"I don't make jokes about bisexuality," Pip said. "Because they can go either way."

"Thomas, there is nothing wrong with being bisexual," Evalynn joined in. "Even Tarzan used to swing both ways."

"Guys, okay, I get it!" Thomas said, laughing a little. "Can we keep going now?"

"No," David said suddenly. "No, we can't."

"Why not?" Thomas asked. "More jokes? We can do that on the way out."

"No jokes," David looked up and stared Thomas directly in the eye. "Evie's missing."

As Skylar's screams resounded throughout the building, Evalynn shook her head, face white. "She's not missing. She went back. She's going back for Skylar."

***Evie's POV

As soon as David had let go of my hand to kill Calvin, I turned and ran. When Skylar started screaming, I started running even faster.

I figured I only had a few minutes before my absence was noticed, so I ran as fast as I could, determined to get to Skylar before she had all of the injections.

I followed the sounds of her screams, fading in and out, down hallways and around corners. The building was eerily empty of clones and doctors, but I had more important things to worry about at the moment.

Skylar's screams came to a choking halt as I burst through the heavy metal doors. Six demons with slit throats were sprawled out on tables, arms and legs in handcuffs.

Beyond them, a startled Peggy holding a needle was staring at me in shock, Derek struggling to hold Skylar still, just behind her.

"Dear, what are you doing here?" Peggy asked.

"Stop," I begged. "Please, stop, don't inject any more blood into her. Please."

"Evie, listen to me-"

"No!" I said forcefully, cutting Peggy off. "No more! Stop giving her injections, can't you see it's killing her!"

Skylar was seizing, her form stiff, body soaked in sweat, skin bright red and blotchy.

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