Chapter 11 | Project No Need To Threaten My Dick

Start from the beginning

Lorenzo stared at me for a second, creasing his eyebrows in confusion. "That's her name?"

"What did you think her name was?" I asked closing the front door when I realized Lorenzo was not leaving anytime soon.

"I don't know, never thought about it." He shrugged his shoulders. "So are you coming?" He asked once again.

I nodded my head once. "Okay cool, go pack a bag," he continued, "you need a bathing suite and pajamas for the weekend."

"What?" I asked dumbfound."Why would I need to pack for?"

"I will explain later, can you hurry up."

I tilted my head confused, debating whether I should listen to him. My eyes shifted away from Lorenzo and to the portrait above his head. he would want to make memories.

"Okay, let me go ahead and tell my mom I won't be here for the weekend."


Thirty minutes later and we were about a few minutes away from reaching the twins' house. The rich part of town.

"We are here," Lorenzo sung as he clicked several numbers on a pad at the side of the big white gate. It allowed him access to the house.

"You know the pass code?" I asked surprised. "Why would they tell you?"

"Why wouldn't they? I practically live here," he answered as the big white gate opened, allowing us to enter.

I gawked at the house. This house will never stop to amaze me. I stepped out of from Lorenzo's black BMW car. The white coasting of the paint shinned as the sun beat down on it, causing me to squint my eyes.

I could admire the house more during the day. It looked more mesmerizing than when I had came during the night of the party.

Windows surrounded the house; the windows had curtains hanging on each side of them. The curtains were drawn so that the sunlight could stream through.

I walked over to the back of Lorenzo's car to get my pink Nike bag that contained everything I needed for this 'sleepover'.

Lorenzo did not bother to wait for me. He strutted his way though the pathway that lead to the front door of the twins.

"You aren't even going to offer to help with my bag!" I exclaimed at his retreating body. "I hope you know you are doing a poor job at being a gentleman."

I stormed my way into the house, following after Lorenzo.

"You need help with your bag?" A cherry voice inquired from the door. He did not wait for an answer as he reached out for my bag that I carried.

"Thanks," I mumbled, handing him my bag.

"No problem," he grinned, holding the door wider so that I could enter.

Once I entered the house, I noticed two golden staircases on each side of the room, which led to another level of the house.

Jordan walked over to the golden staircase to the right and placed my bag on the stairs. "I will show you to your room later but first let me show you to the others. Brandon was dying for you to arrival," he said chuckling.

We walked into another room, which seemed like the kitchen.

"You are here," Sophia squealed as she ran over to me to give me a hug abandoning her popcorn.

I giggled quietly. "Hey." I greeted, hugging her back.

"Where's my hug?" Brandon questioned as he walked over to Sophia and I, stretching his arm out hinting that he too wanted a hug from me.

I glared at him and took a step away. "Up your ass." I gave him the middle finger with a smile.

He chuckled. "Ouch and here I thought we could be friends." He placed his hand on his chest "You wound me."

"Good and the only time we will ever be friends - are in your dreams."

"A lot of things happens in my dream but my favorite is where you and I are in my bed doing some nasty things." He retorted

I scrunched my face in disgust. I rather sleep with a dog than let Brandon ever touch me.

"They are going to stay in your dreams, try anything and I swear you will lose your dick," Lorenzo said as he shoved some popcorn into his mouth.

Brandon held his hands up. "No need to threaten my dick, she's all yours." He shoved me away to him and towards Lorenzo.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "I don't belong to any one." I sneered.

"Sure you don't..." Lorenzo, Jordan and Brandon simultaneously said.

" Lorenzo, Jordan and Brandon simultaneously said

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