Jealousy (One-Shot)

Start from the beginning

Jace once again made contact with your skin, this time being your arm, slowly snaking towards your hand. That is until he emitted a hiss of pain, clutching his shin beneath the table.

"Are you okay?" You asked, giving the boy a wondering look. He simply nodded, glaring at your boyfriend with death in his eyes.

Beneath the table, Vincent drew back a sneaker clad foot, still feeling the tingly sting in his toes. As for Jace, his shin was quickly changing colors, from tan to a color similar to the one who was responsible for it's hair.

"So, Jace, how old are you?" Vincent asked, casually sipping the cold mocha to wash the metallic taste of blood from his taste buds. The younger male quickly regained his composure, "19" he answered proudly, sipping his black coffee nonchalantly.

Vincent's grin spread even more, "Oh, I'm 21" he answered, enjoying the competitive look that raged within the boy's now dark blue eyes. At this point, you noticed the tension between the two, quickly standing up while clearing your throat.

"I think its time to go, I'll see you next Saturday, Jace" you smiled, gathering your bookbag in one swoop, hearing the guys get up as well. Just as you got out from the tightly packed booth, something hard slapped against you ass, the sound ringing off the walls quiet loudly.

Everyone in the cafe turned around, the chatter now turning into complete silence. And all eyes were on the culprit, and his sly smirk.

Suddenly, a growling sound started to progressively get louder, its direction unknown. That is, until it made itself known.

"Oh, you've fucked up now" Vincent growled, eyes blazing with rage and a malicious aura surrounding him.

His next move was brisk, but precise, taking the boy's polo shirt in his clenched fist and lifting his entire body up. At this point people had started pulling out their phones, knowing a fight was about to happen.

"Beat his ass!!" A onlooker yelled, raising his cup in the air with a loud clank. It seemed the bystander's words flipped a switch within Vincent, his usual kind smile turning into one holding an unstable emotion.

Jace simply grins, apparently trying his best to anger the older male further.

"What are you going to do, asshole" Jace seethed, spitting in your boyfriend's face. Vincent grinned, a deep chuckle sending shivers down your spine.

"What I should have done the minute I walked in this damn place" He growled, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Jace's face showed confusion, along with everyone else in the cafe.

"Lucy, go get our friends, I think they'd absolutely love to see the one who disrespected their Y/N" Vincent answered coolly, opening his eyes, the anger quickly being replaced by a smug expression.

A wave of cool air took over your body, making you shiver, the sound of Lucy's giggles echoing in your brain.

"What are you doing!" You mentally asked, sighing with frustration when all you got was another fit of Lucy's quite annoying laughter. As if on cue, her presence disappeared for a moment, but quickly coming back.

'You'll see in a minute' Lucy giggles, the sound being one of mischief.

"I'm not scared of anyone! Go ahead, call your friends" Jace scoffed, having the audacity to hum the Jeopardy song as well.

Suddenly, something hard crashed in the kitchen, followed by the sound of clashing pot and pans. Workers started pouring out from the back, screaming and bolting out the front door.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Where stories live. Discover now