Chapter 06: Seedlings of Love

Start from the beginning

"Hey, this is more about Ahsan, so I had to include his entire name in the ship-name, okay?" Husna clarified as Leila laughed.

"That sounds apt." Leila agreed, giving her a high five from the passenger's seat.

"Nothing personal habibti, just enjoy the fact that 'K' has joined with 'Ahsan'." Husna said, dodging a smack from Kareema, who had a smile playing on her lips.

Leila could feel the entire camp bursting with energy as they entered the gates. Though the primary goal was to attract the general public to assess their health, it had also turned into a playground for children. Balloons, cotton candies and soap bubbles were seen scattered across the park, along with the symmetric arrangement of check-up stalls.

Kareema parked the car before they set off towards the large monitor to find their allocated tables. And as fate would usually have it, they were separately grouped into three different stalls. Thus, bidding her friends adieu, Leila walked over to stall number 24. As she neared, Lily Pullsey waved her over, for they had talked when she had gone to visit Zahir.

"I saw you're on our team!" She beamed. "This is Fatima and that's Laeeq, he's gone to get some diabetometers, right?" She said pointing somewhere behind Leila.

"Yup. Assalam Alaykum." Fatima smiled at her.

"Wa Alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu." Leila replied politely.

"We won't have people coming in yet, it's too early." Fatima spoke as Leila sat down beside her. "Should we run a test on you?" She grinned.

"What?" Leila asked, alarmed.

"You know, we could do that." Lily joined in. "Hey Joseph, have you got sterile scalpels? I want to test somebody's flexor carpi digitorum." She called to the other table. "We can quickly make a small incision, there won't be too much blood."

"Just kidding." Fatima said quickly with an apologetic smile, for Leila had nearly started hyperventilating.

"Is this what you guys do in your free time?" Leila asked, relieved. "Scare the heck out of people using medical terminologies?"

"No!" Fatima laughed as Joseph walked over in confusion. "Lily's been dying to try this on someone, you gave an excellent reaction."

"That's called voluntary abuse of your position." Leila heard a voice behind her. "Assalam Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, you must be Leila Muhammad." Laeeq said, coming into view.

"Wa Alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu." Leila replied. She wasn't sure if she was more surprised that he knew her name or because she had been addressed directly by a random guy.

He probably says that to everyone everyday. She thought. Introductions are a part of his job, after all.

"This one's name is Leila too." He said, drawing her attention to the baby girl he was carrying. "She was far sweeter than what the diabetometers could measure, so I brought her instead."

"She's such a cutie, Ma Shaa Allah!" Fatima exclaimed as he handed the baby over to her. "Is she Ahmad's daughter?"

"Ahmad? Your cousin?" Joseph asked, surprise evident in his tone.

"Yeah." Laeeq replied. "Ahmad's getting his wife checked at Samir's table."

"She's that guy's daughter?" Joseph asked, bewilderment still visible on his face. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Joseph." Laeeq deadpanned. "I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about."

"She's just got a skin colour that's way lighter than her father's." Joseph shrugged, smiling at the baby. "It's kind of unbelievable."

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