Chapter 26

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Cas was there when you all got to the shop waiting for Dean to give him an oil change. You make your way over to him, plopping your head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He chuckles.

"My parents are here and Dean asked them if they wanted to meet his dad. They're not too far behind us, my dad wanted to get some gas at the station down the street."

"Why is this a bad thing?"

You raise your head from its perch. "Because they didn't call or anything and I answered the door in a t-shirt and underwear thinking it was you, but it wasn't. Ugghhh, on top of that they didn't know Dean and I lived together and he came into the kitchen in his underwear, you know how they are, BB. They were sitting at the table."

Cas nods, blue eyes following something behind you. "They just pulled up and I think your mom was giving me the stink eye."

Looking over your shoulder you see them getting out of the car. You sigh, not feeling as confident as you were after Dean's admission.

"I'm going to see how's Dean's doing with my car."

"Yeah, you do that and leave me all alone... All alone with my parents... Leaving me alone to be investigated like I've been detained..."

Cas kisses your forehead and makes his way into the shop with a smile.

"I won't forgive you!" You shout after him as your parents come to a stop beside you.

"How many boyfriends you got, (Y/N)?" Your mom asks with an arched brow.

"One, Mom. You know him, you just don't remember him because you guys haven't seen him in so long."

You open the door to the shop, allowing them to walk through first. Making your way around the desk, you see someone turned on the computer for you and Dean has already set your bag on the floor next to the chair.

"Well refresh my memory then."

"It's Castiel. The boy I played with all the time. The one that would always come over to the house. The one you thought I was dating in middle school, but I told you he was gay so you'd leave me alone about it. He's not gay by the way."

Your Dad snaps. "Oh yeah, ya know the one we made a bet on. Looks like you owe me fifty dollas."

"Whoa, hold on, you made a bet. What was it?"

At this moment, Dean and Cas walk into the waiting area.

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N)." Cas greets.

"Castiel, Honey, you done got so big and handsome. How are ya?" You mom throws her arms around him.

"I'm doing fine, what about you guys?"

"Just fine, Honey, just fine. Now, where's your daddy?" She turns to Dean, hands clasped in front of herself.

"He's in his office. We can go and see him now." Dean leads the way, rag hanging out of the pocket of his overalls.

Cas sits in one of the waiting room chairs. "They didn't remember me, did they?"

"Nope and apparently, they made a bet that my Dad won."

"What was it about?" He asks curiously, playing a game on his phone.

"Um, you I think or you and me. Not really sure."


The phone rings and you pick up taking your first call of the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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