Chapter 5

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Standing by the door you hold Cas' pie as you watch him shrug into his trench coat. "Are you sure you don't want to stay and watch star wars with us?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. You and I both know I'll fall asleep and have to at work at seven tomorrow." He says taking the pie away form you and opening the door.

"Okay. Be safe, BB." You say with a sigh. Cas pecks you on the cheek and walks to his car. You wave to him as he drives away.

Dean is sitting on the couch with the pies on the coffee table and a fork in each. "Ready?" You give him a nod and start the movie.

You wake up against a soft surface you snuggle back into. As sleep creeps back upon you, you feel something tighten around your waist and it snaps you out of your round of almost sleep. Curling your hand into the soft surface the fabric is warm underneath your fingertips and it's moving. Slowly raising your head you look down at your living pillow. You catch the small noise inside of your throat before it escapes.

Dean's head is turned to the left where your head once was. His right arm is hanging off the couch and the other wound tightly around your waist. You can feel the little puffs of air that escape his parted lips. Oh, my damn. What have I gotten myself into now? You're not gonna lie to yourself you've imagined a little somethin' somethin' with Dean involved since you've known him. It's not everyday that you come across someone you click so well with. And so what if he's attractive that's an added bonus......right?

It's not that you haven't been in this position before because you have with Cas; sometimes the two of you would fall asleep wrapped in blankets together. To be honest your relationship with Cas is one of very close siblings. You would be lost without him and vice versa.

Your between the decisions of laying your head back down or escaping from his grip. As much as you would like too snuggle back into him you know he might not share the same feeling you've been starting to harbor. You bring your left leg to the ground toes touching the floor while your right leg is still in-between Dean's. But in the process you've pressed your leg lightly into Dean's crotch.

Dean moans in his sleep and mumbles something. Now, that you really think about it you're kinda stuck. You still have to move the rest of your body across Dean's and his arm is still tight around your waist. Just my fuckin' luck.

Apart of your brain is pumped that this has happen, but the other part the most dominant part is asking.

Why would he want something like you on top of him? The answer is, he doesn't. Get. Off. Of. Him.

Agreeing with that part of your brain you try to think as quickly as you can. Bringing your left arm up you lightly drag your fingertip over the tip of his nose. All he does is scrunch it up a bit, but his arm does loosen. You try to calmly wigging your way out but it only makes your right leg press into his crotch.

Dean moans again as his arm looses enough to were you're able to slide off the couch and off of Dean with a soft thump.

You sit up and look to see that Dean has a little frown set upon his face. Maybe you can get some more sleep.

Walking to your room you don't even feel sleepy like you should. Looking at the alarm clock it's actually four in the morning. Guess that means jumping on tumblr. Everyone knows that you just don't jump on tumblr to jump off. So it's around eight when you decide that you could start the day properly.

After you're dressed in sweatpants and a over sized hoodie you head into the kitchen to start some coffee. When you sit down with a bowl of fruity pebbles and a cup of coffee you remember Dean is still here. You walk into the living room and sit on the coffee table facing Dean. He's on his right side with his arms crossed. Maybe I should've given him a blanket. Too late now.

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