Chapter 4

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You wake up to something poking your face. What the hell? Opening your (y/e/c) eyes, deep blue ones stare back at you. Taking your hand from under the cover you push his face until he falls to the floor. You flip over and snuggle into your teddy bear with an content sigh.

"Get up Sleeping Beauty." He says while jumping back on you. Why did I give Cas a key to my place? This is a question you ask yourself every time he does this.

"BB, go away." When Cas goes to say something else the door bell rings. "Go answer my door you heathen."

He huffs and walks away. With him gone you can finally go back to sleep. Three minutes after he's gone someone is rubbing your arm. You open your eyes to glare at the person only to have kind green eyes look back.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. It's time to get up." Dean chuckles. He's crouched by your bed with his hand still rubbing your arm.

Huffing at him you flip around and close your eyes. Hearing him stand up you smirk to yourself thinking you've won, but soon enough you find out you haven't.

Dean snatches the covers off of you and you gasp at the sudden cool air. You're only in blue boy shorts and an over sized navy blue sweatshirt. Placing an arm under your knees and the other across your back your forced to put your arms around his neck.

"Good mourning, Sunshine!" Dean says while he carries you into the kitchen towards the table.

"I'll give you sunshine alright." You grumble as he sets you down in a chair.

Cas is at the stove cooking pancakes with blueberries. Mmmm, my favorite. Wait, I didn't have blueberries. "BB, where'd you get the berries from?"

"I went to the store earlier to get stuff for our pies." He says while flipping a pancake onto a plate.

"Pies!?!" Dean beats you to the question. He looks like the cutest excited puppy. Before looking back over to Cas you notice three cups in a holder on the opposite said of the table.

"What's that?" You ask pointing to the cups.

"Oh, I forgot about those," Dean said's taking the cups out of the holder, "coffee for the men and one french vanilla cappuccino for the lovely lady." He dramatically bows as he holds the drink out towards you.

In the short time you and Dean have known each other the two of you clicked better than anyone you have met, other than Cas. He knows the things you like and vice versa. The two of you almost have the same relationship as you and Cas does. But, of course, Cas and your realtionship will always be the strongest because y'all are besties for the resties.

"Why, thank ya kindly, sir." You say in a southern accent.

Cas finally finish the pancakes and you all sit at the table to eat them. Dean may have gotten some syrup on his lip you stared at for a full minute, but no one needs to know that but you. After eating you head to the bathroom. When you're finished in the bathroom you head into your bedroom. As you're getting ready you can't help but think to yourself, I feel so great today. In fact you feel so awesome you put on your favorite pair of pants (*cough* *cough* booty definers) and a tight shirt with Marvel characters on it. Now you just have to do your hair. There's a knock on your door and it opens after you let out a "come in".

Dean walks in and stands beside you looking into the full length mirror. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to figure out what to do with my hair." You say playing with a piece in front of your face.

"Why don't you wear it like that?"

"Because it's a lot and we're making pies so I can't have it in my face like this." You look at Dean to see his brows furrowed while looking at your hair.

"You could put it up?"

Your eyes flash over to the dresser, "go get that black thing."

"What bl-" Dean cuts himself off as he follows your line of sight. When he comes back to you he's playing with it. "What is this?"

"I cut a pair of stockings for that piece so I could use it as a 'ponytail holder'." He gives you an impressed look and try's to hand it to you. You shake your head and Dean gives you a very confused look. "You're gonna do it."

"I don't know how to do that."

You huff in amusement and push him behind you by his hip. As you walk him through the steps you watch as his eyes narrow in concentration. When he's finished you can't see him behind you anymore. You're only an inch or two shorter than Dean, but you still found it funny.

The two of you go back into the kitchen where Cas has washed all the dishes and got all of the ingredients and everything else the three of you were gonna use out.

After you turn music on all of you start on the pies. 

A while after you've started mashing blueberries Cas strikes up a conversation. "So, how was your talk with Jake yesterday?"

"Um, it was cool, I guess. We just talked about what we've done over the years."

Cas nods,"Is there a reason he's down here or is he on vacation?"

You start to shift on your feet. "Said he was here with a friend."

Cas stops and looks at you which in turn makes Dean do the same. "Who's the friend?"

"BB, I don't know, but I really don't want to talk about it right now." You say giving Cas a stern look.

Dean clears his throat, "So, do you two actually know how to make pies or are we winging it?"

You look over at Dean and his infectious grin. "You already know we're winging it." The three of you laugh and go back to work on the pies.

After the pies are in the oven teamwork is deployed to clean up the kitchen. For entertainment the three of you play video games together. Dean keeps grumbling about you and Cas 'cheating' whenever he comes in last place to one of the two of you.

When the pies are done Dean takes them out and sets them on the kitchen counter. "Who's ready to eat some pie?" He says while rubbing his hands together.

"I think we should eat them for dinner." Dean gives you a wounded puppy look. That is so frikin adorable. His eyes follow you as you make your way over to him and put a hand on his chest. "How about this? As we eat them we will watch Star Wars."

Dean shakes his head with a grin on his face. "(y/n), you drive a hard bargain." You laugh and take his hand guiding him back to the couch.

Cas paused in the hallway to watch both of you in the kitchen. And noticed how neither one of you noticed the moment the two of you stared at each other with smiles on your faces. Cas' lips turned into a knowing smirk. This is gonna be a dousy, he thought with his plan already starting to form.

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