Chapter 23

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Back to work the two of you go, but this time you decide to dress up all professional like. Meaning you put on one of your skirts and a blouse.

Dean did a triple take (yes, a triple take, that's how you know it's real) as you made your way past him in the kitchen towards the coffee maker.

"Are we goin' to the same place?"

"Yep." You respond pouring some coffee.

"Are you going somewhere.... after?"

"I don't think so."

"Then why aren't you in your other clothes?"

Turning around, you lean against the counter, taking a sip from your cup, after fixing it up the way you like it. Dean's eyes are trained on your skirt and he has one hand gripping the coffee cup and the other out of sight, while he sits straight up in his chair.

"Because I'm not the one that work on cars. I wanted to switch it up today. And depending on how I feel I'll just keep dressing this way."

"I thought you hated havin' to put on a skirt."

You saunter towards him as his eyes finally leave your skirt. He has to slightly lean his head back as you rest beside him on the table.

"That's because I had to wear it. Now, I have a choice."

The right side of his jaw twitches as he slides his eyes down your torso before focusing on his cup.

"Is there a problem, Big Daddy?"

"No, let me know when you're ready to leave."

Bending down you place a lingering kiss on top of his head. "I just have to get my shoes on."

You take your coffee with you as you walk off with a smirk.

The whole car ride to the shop Dean was tapping his fingers on the steering wheel with this distracted concentrated look on his face. When you asked him if he was okay he said, "yeah". But the kiss he pulled you into, when you two got to the shop, told you different. After one lip bite turned into four you knew it was time to head inside.

Bobby and John were in their offices, both giving you grunts in replacement of good morning. They just need more coffee and they should be good to go.

Dean finally comes in once you turned on the computer on your desk.

Business flows as usual, your empty moments are filled with random things from the Internet as usual, and you're able to catch Dean under the hood a few times...per usual.

Lunch time comes around and you go take the four containers of lasagna, you made Dean get out of the fridge before y'all left, out.

As you wait for the last one to finish you move into the garage and tell them to wash their hands.

You put lids on them to keep them warm and get some forks out of the drawer by the sink. Even though there is a little "kitchen" no one actually sits in there. Your first stop is Bobby's office and you place his container and fork on an empty part of his desk you can find.

Next is John's office, but the door is closed. It's sounds like there is arguing coming from inside. You knock because you don't want to interrupt anything, especially if it's private.

"Come in."

You open the door slowly, already looking between your boyfriend and his father. Silently you place one in front of John, receiving a 'thank you', and the other in front of Dean.

"Babe, hold on. I'm comin' with you."

Dean stands out of the chair, throwing his dad one last glare. He closes the door and trails behind you towards your desk. Taking his place upon your desk, he begins eating.

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