Chpater 21

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Dean storms into the house slamming the door closed making the windows within it's vicinity rattle. His strides come to a halt when his father holds him back.

"You piece of fuckin' shit. What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"Son, calm down."

Dean looks at the man holding him like he lost his mind. "What are you talkin' about calm down? This racist piece of shit just ran (y/n) out of here and you're tellin' me to calm the fuck down!?!"

"Sweetie, he doesn't mean what he say." Denna pleads with her grandson.

"Granny, I love you with all my heart and I don't mean to disrespectful towards you but he meant every fuckin' word that came out of his mouth. That's way he's just standin' there letting everyone else talk for his soulless ass." Samuel begins to smirk. "Come closer so I knock your fuckin' teeth out."

Samuel shakes his head staying where he is. "Are you really mad at me or did you just realize you could do better tonight?"

"You better listen to me. Right. Now. (Y/N) is the only person I've fell in love with so quickly. She's everything and more of who I wanted in life partner. That amazing woman you just insulted tonight has been through so much and she doesn't even let that effect the way she is. She's one of the main fuckin' reasons I'm happy to wake up in the morning because I know she's right beside me when I open my eyes. And for you to just insult her the way you did was completely unacceptable. I no longer want you in my life. Because if- when I marry her I don't want you takin' someone's space that actually wants to see us happy. When we have children I don't want them to know they have a great grandfather that won't love them just because they're mixed with a beautiful race you just won't accept....I feel sorry for you."

Halfway through his speech Dean was released. All the fight has drained out of him because he realizes it's not worth it to hurt this man.

Dean walks closer to him keeping a foot of space between them. "I feel sorry for you because you will miss out on some beautiful moments. My grandmother will always be able to see her grandchildren grow up, but you. You are no longer my grandfather, you're just a stranger to me now. And don't think you're not gonna say sorry to her either and mean it with every fuckin' part of your being. I was told you'd be here for a week.... You better man up and apologize."

Dean leaves the silence of the house behind himself. He'll take the walk to Cas' house.

You were sitting with Cas' on his couch resting your head on his shoulder. You can't help the silent tears that fall as Cas holds you close.

"I'm sorry that happened to you. If I would've known he was here I would've told you."

"It's okay, can't please everyone. Even if ya can't help it." You wipe both of your cheeks, wishing Dean was here.

"No, it's not okay. He's always been like that and it's not acceptable."

You sniff thinking back on earlier tonight when Samuel said they still weren't on good terms.

"What happened between Dean and his grandfather?"

Cas sighs.


Dean, Cas, and Victor all went back to Dean's house after playing a successful game of basketball.

It was Cas' job to start the game system up in the living room and make sure all of the needed controllers were turned on. Dean and Victor were in the kitchen getting snacks.

When Cas was done with his duty he went to see if they needed any help.

As he was helping them with snacks Samuel walked in from the sliding door leading to the backyard.

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