Chapter 19

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You were sitting at the front desk taking random quizzes when the entrance to the shop opened.

Looking away from the computer screen you were met with a blinding smile from Mikey.

"Hey Lion, are you ready?"

"Let me tell them I'm going on break then we can leave." You say pushing away from the desk.

Pushing the door open you peek your head further into the shop.

"Hey, Mike's here. Do you guys want anything back?"

You receive head shakes from the two elder gentlemen as Dean straightens from inspecting an engine.

"Come here."

One of your eyebrows shoot up. "But you're dirty."

A slow smirk spreads across his lips. "That's never mattered before."

Slowly walking towards him, while the door closes behind you, you place a hand on your hip. "Are you starting to get sassy with me, Winchester?"

"If I am, you're rubbing off on me." He states wiping his hands on a towel.

"Oh, now you're callin' me sassy." You finally make it to him.

Dean places his fingertips on your hips not wanting to get anymore grease on you than he already was. "Yeah, but you know it's true."

"You have a point.... What's up?"

Dean looks over your shoulder at the other two gentlemen. Dipping his head slightly closer to yours he says, "are you gonna ask him?"

"It's one of the reasons why I asked him to go to lunch with me."

"Okay, I don't want to seem like I'm bothering you with this. I just really want to know and it's not my place to ask."

Placing a hand on his jaw, you give him a gentle kiss. "I'll tell you what he says when I get back. Now, do you want something from the diner?"

"Can I get some pie?" Dean whispers, internally wishing the two of you weren't at work.

You smile patting his chest, pulling back. "I'll get you a bacon burger too. Gentlemen, I'm bringing you two something to eat also because I know you won't eat if it's not in front of your faces."

The last thing you hear making your way into the front of the shop is Dean's bark of laughter saying,"That's my girl."

After Micheal parks his rental car the two of you head into the diner. Once seated you make small talk with him seeing what he's been up to. In the middle of your meal is when you decide to speak up.



A small smile tugs at your lips while you set your fork down. "How much longer will you be here?"

Micheal falters a little like he didn't expect the question. "Uh, another week.... Why'd you ask?"

"Where are you gonna go?"

He clears his throat and takes gulp of his soda. "Lion, what's with the questions?"

"Because I worry about you and I feel like you have something you need to tell me, but you just don't want to say it. You've be getting more and more comfortable around here and I know if I was only staying somewhere for a few weeks I wouldn't be getting too comfortable knowing I would be leaving. And on top of that I know rental cars have actual tags and not the paper ones."

Micheal stares at the table top with a clenched jaw.

"Mikey, if you need to tell me or Cas something just say it. We both love you and you just came back into our lives, we'd really hate to see you leave so soon."

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