Chapter 11

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You wake up with a headache. It's not horrible, but you really wish you had some Advil or something. You would address it right now, but you're comfortable.

Bringing the cover up to your nose you let out a content sigh. On your inhale you get a sniff of the cover, but you don't recognize the scent.

It smells airy, like it just came out of the pack, but it also smells like dryer sheets. You're sheets smell like you. Cas' sheets smell like Cas. And Dean' don't know what Dean's smell like, but you could imagine they would smell like Dean. And he doesn't smell like dryer sheets.

Opening your eyes looking down at the cover, you see that it's black with red spirals on it.

Uncoiling from your position the covers slightly slide away as you feel air hit your feet and ankles. Well, only one of your ankles.

In one swift move you're sitting on the side of the bed looking at your ankle. There's a big black bracelet with a little box on the side of it. What the fuck?

As you're staring at the bracelet everything comes back at full force. The coffee shop, meeting new people, Dean asking you out, picking up the wallet, and the stupid decision of going after the man. Ugh, why did you have to be such a good person? You should've just left the damn thing there or just given it to the cashier and told them someone dropped it.

Tugging on it you find that it won't budge. No matter how much you tugged or pulled there was no hope. Why are people allowed to buy the things police use?

You give up putting your elbows on your bare knees with your head in your hands. Bare knees...

Your eyes widen as you look down at your lower half. What happened to my pants? The same pair panties you put on aren't even there. Instead are red lacy ones with a small pink bow on the front. You look around the room for a mirror. Spotting one in the corner you run to it. You shouldn't even be surprised that there's a matching bra to go with it. Your hair isn't in the bun you had it in, instead it's in a loose ponytail.

Tears start to stream down your face as you look into the mirror. He has humiliated you in was you can't even explain. He's taken you away from the people you love. You will most likely loose your job. You have no way to contact your parents to at least lie that you're okay. As your body rack with sobs you collapse onto the floor. You make sad attempts to wipe the tears away. Opening your eyes again something catches your attention in the reflection.

It's a gold ring placed on your left ring finger.

Instead of more tears you get beyond pissed as you rip it off and throw it towards the door. He has the nerve to fuckin' flip your life upside down and then place an unwanted ring on you.

Picking yourself off of the ground you look around for something to use as a weapon. By the queen sized bed are two night stands on either side that have glass lamps on them. That's to big to hide behind your back. You move to the tall wooden dresser trying to open them, but find that they're locked. There's a keyhole in the center of the top piece of the dresser. You slam your hands on top of it continuing your search. But your gaze stops on the mirror.

You walk back over to it standing on the side of it before giving it a forceful shove towards the floor. The mirror shatters into sharp pieces around the wooden floor. Lucky it misses you. After you pick up a shard you carefully make your way towards the door.

Please don't be locked. The door opens with a small squeak. Peeking out you look down the dark hallway towards the only light you can see.

With your weapon behind your back you quietly make your way down the hall.

You hear the noises of a TV once you're halfway down the hall, just now noticing how loud it is. Making it to the end you see a couch with someone's head poking out at the top. Making your way carefully to the back of the couch, you drop your hand to the side.

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