Chapter 17

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You wake up with a weight around your waist and sun rays blinding you. Thinking over last night you can't help the smile that stretches across your face. Hating that you still have go to work and you can't just stay in bed all day with Dean, you look over at the clock.

7:00 A.M.

The shop opens at nine, but you still need to take a shower, get dressed and your clothes are at yours and Cas' place.

Slipping out of bed you walk over to Dean's dresser and pull out a pair of sweats. After placing them on you move into the living room to put your shoes on. I'm forgetting something. Running back into the room you sit on the side of the bed and run your fingers through Dean's hair. He slowly rouse from his sleep with a soft smile.

"Good mornin'." He greets with a husky voice.

"Hey Babe. I wanted to let you know I was heading back to Cas' place to get ready for work and whenever you get ready you can just come and get me."

Dean moves dragging you down on the bed with him hovering over you.

"Can't leave without some smooches."

Your laugh is loud and joyful. "Smooches? Is that a word that's gonna be used a lot more?"

"Mm, it might be."

Placing your left hand onto the back of his neck you lower his head smiling against his lips. After a minute of pecking he kisses your forehead and gets off of the bed pulling you with him. The two of you walk into the living room hand and hand.

"Oh, my clothes."

Dean shakes his head as he helps you into your coat. "I'll wash 'em after we get off."

With your coat on and keys in your head, Dean kisses you again and tells you he'll see you in a little bit.

Pulling up to Cas' place you sit in your car staring at the steering wheel with a dopey smile. Your life right now.... If someone asked how great it was you wouldn't be able to even explain it. With the massive weight gone and a boyfriend who frikin' adores you just like you adore him is just so...awesome. It's honestly not a big enough word, but it's the greatest one at the moment.

Locking the door you place your coat on the rack and your keys on some hooks he has by the door. On the couch you see a mop of dark hair on the arm rest facing the TV.

"Hey BB. I was with Dean, but you probably know that already. I'm gonna get ready for work he's picking me up." Passing the couch you ruffle his hair.

After you've taken care of everything you needed too, you note that you still have time to eat.

Cas is in the kitchen in a pair of boxers when you turn the corner.

"I see you got your booty off the couch."

He turns around giving you a confused look. "I wasn't on the couch."

"What do you mean you weren't on the couch?" You huff pouring coffee.

"When did you come in?"

"Uh, thirty or so minutes ago. I spoke to you when I came in."

"I was in my room."

That couldn't be right. "Cas, do you honestly not remember? I even ruffled your hair."

Cas puts down the eggs he had in his hand and leads you into the living room. "I was never on the couch." He says while pointing at the figure that's there.

You grab his arm dragging him with you scoping out the man on the couch. His eyes are closed and his chest is rising and falling with even breathes. Stubble covers the mans strong jaw line. He looks like he just popped out of a GQ mag.

Bestiesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें