Chapter 22

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The sun is out when your eyes open and the chest you fell asleep on is no longer there. Sitting up, the covers fall from where they were tucked around your shoulders. The bathroom door is slightly cracked and there's a light filtering through.

Pulling the sheets off of yourself you pad your way across the room. Gently poking the door open, the sight you're greeted with is your boyfriend with a towel wrapped around his hips. He's focused on something in front of him that you can't see. Moving further into the bathroom you slip your arms around him gluing yourself to his back. He tenses and then slowly releases air through his nose.

"Fuck, you almost gave me a heart attack."

"I'm sorry." You state putting your head on his shoulder finally seeing what he was fiddling with. "Hey, why don't you wear your glasses today?"

"Babe, I don't want to keep pushin' 'em up while I'm workin'."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that because we're off today."

You watch him through the mirror as he calculates what you've just said. Putting his contact back in the case he places the lids back onto both sides. Dean opens up the mirror cabinet and places the case on the top shelf before closing it again.

"When did you call him?" He asks slightly squinting at you through the mirror. You know it's not a accusing squint, it's his "I don't have on any extra eyes right now" squint.

"I texted him when you went to sleep. You deserve a day off."

Dean sighs bringing his arms behind himself to wrap around you. The two of you slowly penguin walk your way back into the bedroom over to the dresser.

"After I put some underwear on I'm eatin' some cereal, you want some?"

Unlatching yourself you snatch a bra and some panties out of your side of the drawer. "Nah, I'm gonna take a shower and stuff."

Nodding he drops his towel and begins to bend over to pull on his boxer briefs. He has these scattering of freckles along his butt that you find really cute and whenever you comment of them he starts to blush. So you'll let him slip free this one time.

When you're done with everything you had to do, you find Dean laying on the couch staring blankly at the TV with his glasses and navy boxer briefs on. Opening the fridge, you grimace at the lack of food inside of it.

Note to self, go shopping.

You join him with a bowl of Cocoa pebbles. He gets up to pee and you steal his spot setting your finished bowl on the coffee table. Dean comes back and doesn't hesitate as he inserts himself in between your legs with his head on your breasts, wrapping his arms around both of your thighs. The rest of his legs are hanging off of the arm rest you're not leaning against.

As the two of you watch TV the whole time there's a stressed vibe coming from him. You're trying to rub soothing circle into his bare torso, but he only relaxes a little bit.

"Babe, lets do something today."

"Like what?" Dean says it like he would rather stay where he is, pillowed against your boobs.

Placing your hands on his chest you bring them back towards both shoulders and slide back down to repeat the motion.

"Um, like go to the store. I didn't realize there was nothing in the fridge until this morning."

"That's fine."

Tilting his head up by his chin you ask. "What do I supposed to feed you?"

Dean's green eyes narrow behind his black frames. "Takeout...?"

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