Chapter 31

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Kenju walked into the Providence Base, entering a hallway full of cameras. He fired a blast through the hallway, denting the walls and shattering all of the cameras, glass, and lights.

He roamed the hallway for a few minutes, reaching a room full of generators. With a smirk, he blasted each generator apart, causing the entire base to go dark.

Soldiers filled the halls, flashlights attached to the top of their rifles.

Kenju exited the room, walking through the halls with a maniacal grin on his face.

A group of soldiers had their lights shining on him.

"It's the fusion!" one shouted, cocking his shotgun and firing.

Kenju ran along the walls, kicking the man in the chest before spinning with his foot extended, propelling the others into the walls. 

One soldier remained and called for backup. "The Fusion is in the East Quadrant heading towards the armory! Form a blocka-"

He was cut off by a swift punch to the jaw that sent him skidding across the ground.

"Be glad I didn't kill any of you," Kenju spat, walking through the hallway.

He turned corners before noticing an arrow along the wall labeled, "Armory".

He broke off into a jog, turning the corner before coming to an abrupt stop. He glared down a mob of Providence Soldiers who had heavy weapons aimed at him with their lights shining at him in the darkness.

"You stand no chance, Fusion! You will be put down immediately!" a general shouted, his armor looking slightly different from the others. He aimed a pistol at Kenju that hummed with electricity. "White Knight has deemed you too dangerous to be left alive, and you shall be treated as such,"

Kenju placed a hand to his forehead, smirking evilly. He then began to laugh, leaning his head back as his laugh grew madder and madder to the point of pure insanity.

His laughter slowed down seconds later, a grim expression appearing on his face as he glared at the soldiers hatefully.

"You fools..." he spoke. "A month ago, you could have had a better chance at killing me... But now that I've grown this powerful... Ha."

The soldiers looked at one another uncomfortably.

"If you even dream of being able to kill me, you better wake up and apologize." Kenju finished, slowly walking towards them.

"FIRE!" the general shouted.

Bullets rained towards Kenju, instantly being repelled by his skin and hitting either the walls or the unlucky soldiers who stood in the front.

Kenju stood there, eyes glowing red, and roared. His roar caused a gust of wind that flung them all back, against the door of the armory.

"Protect the armory with your lives!" the general shouted, running towards Kenju with his pistol raised.

He slammed it down onto Kenju's shoulder, causing the pistol to crack and break apart.

Kenju grabbed the general, lifting him up by his throat. He contemplated killing him before Blossom's words rang through his head. He sighed, tossing the man behind him. Then he walked ahead, injuring anyone who stood in his way before touching the door.

"Open sesame," he grinned, punching the door apart and walking through.

His blades were in the center of a massive room full of all sorts of weapons. Grenades, rifles, rocket launchers, you name it. 

He walked into the middle and grabbed his blades, sheathing them on his back once more. He felt even more powerful, smirking as he flew back to the hallway and finding his way outside once more. 

He saw his friends, and a group of Providence Soldiers staring at the sky and flew over to them.

"What's wro-" he began.

He looked up as well, his eyes widening and filling with fear. 


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