Chapter 2

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Kenju couldn't think of anything worse other than falling to a planet from orbit. He tried flying, but was going down too fast for that. All he could do was slow his acceleration down slightly.

"Oh, come on!" he shouted. "What the hell is up with the gravity here!?" 

With that, he slammed down into a mountain, instantly creating a shockwave and a miniature earthquake as the mountain crumbled.

He emerged from the rubble, stretching and groaning in annoyance.

"Stupid... Useless pod!" he yelled, kicking a boulder away.

The Spawn pods landed next to him softly, glowing bright as their brown vein-like designs shot out of them and smashed into the ground like roots.

"Alright," Kenju sighed, brushing off dust from his armor. "Now to activate them!"

He placed his right hand on a pod, closing his eyes as he concentrated. After a moment's silence, the pod began pumping fusion matter into the ground.

"Hey, you!" a feminine voice rang from the prince's right. "Stop messing with that!"

"Locals," he muttered to himself, turning and glaring. There were about 20 people with a variety of guns. They wore the same navy blue vests and pants with blue helmets and cyan visors. On their chests were the letters, "K.N.D".

"Step away from that, dude!" a male ordered, aiming his weapon at the pod.

"Oh this?" Kenju began, a cold smirk appearing on his face. "This is merely a welcoming gift!"

He then laughed before firing a single blast at the soldiers. It stopped midway and sank into the ground, expanding and heading towards them.

"Go back!" one soldier shouted, causing everyone to run away from the trail of destruction. 

One soldier cried out in pure agony as his leg got caught in the prince's field. When his comrades pulled him out and helped him, his leg was gone and gushing blood onto the ground.

Kenju hesitated slightly, feeling a small amount of guilt. He shook off the uneasy feeling before turning the field off.

"The hunt is more fun when my prey runs!" he yelled, trying to sound intimidating. The soldiers began shooting plasma bolts and various other things from their weapons, but the prince was able to dodge them. He descended into the center of the group, smirking as they focused their weapons on him.

"Boom," he spoke quietly. The boy lifted his arms up and pushed outward, causing a shockwave to erupt around him and send the soldiers flying back. 

Some people who were lucky enough landed on the grass, while others were plowed through rocks from the destroyed mountain.

"Dexter!" a female soldier shouted into her wrist watch as she helped another soldier up. "We need back up... Quickly! There's some kind of super villain here with similar powers that the fusions have!"

Kenju glared at her. "None of you have any honor," He then formed a sphere of fusion matter in his palm, glaring at it. Once again, a guilty feeling overcame him. "No... I have to do this..."

Reluctantly, he sent the sphere at her and the soldier she carried over her shoulder, but his blast was deflected by a cyan beam of light.

"What...?" He turned and glared at the girl who emerged from the blue beam of light.

She glared back at him, her blue eyes shining with innocence. She brushed off her blue skirt that had a black stripe and pointed at Kenju.

"That's not nice!" she shouted in a high voice, her blonde pig tails swaying in the wind.

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