Chapter 23

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Kenju woke up on a cold floor in a bright white room. He looked at himself and saw that his swords were gone, but his outfit was still with him. He noticed a transparent glass preventing him from exiting the room and folded his arms.

"As if a box could hold me..." he spat, punching the glass. It vibrated and sent his force right back at him in the form of voltage. It shocked him, sending him flying back into the wall which responded to his force with another shock that sent him to the ground in pain.

"Damn... You...!!" He cursed, writhing in agony as a television screen appeared with White Knight's face on it.

"There is no getting out... Unlike Dexter, Providence takes specific care not to let our prisoners, nor EVOs to escape. Face it, you're not coming out of there, Fusion. At least not until we perform tests and learn more about your anatomy... So you'll be dead, but contribute greatly to the war with your kind donation."

"Fuck you," Kenju glared, flipping White Knight off before punching the TV apart, throwing the pieces everywhere as he roared. "Your box can't hold me!"

He crossed his arms and uncrossed them to his sides in one quick motion, sending spheres of fusion matter everywhere in the room, causing minature explosions for about 10 minutes before he panted, resting for a moment. The walls were still intact and he tried again, roaring with rage.

"When I get out of here, I'm going to kill you White Knight! Your little fuckboys Jason and Cole will join you in Hell as well!" Kenju screamed as he bombarded the room with explosions.

Then, a gas entered the room, making Kenju feel tired again. The room filled with gas and he passed out, reaching for the sky.

"I'm... Coming... Blossom..." he forced himself to say. "Everyone..."

Once again his world went black, and masked doctors lifted his body, carrying him into another room.

He was slapped awake, bound to a table and too weak to free himself.

"Now for our pain tolerance test," a masked doctor stated.

Kenju saw their cruel, greedy eyes gleaming at him as he lay there helpess as they got numerous tools. He felt an unfamiliar emotion... Fear.

Then, a sharp pain erupted across his chest as he saw a blade flash across his line of vision. He inhaled sharply, trying not to shout out as the doctors constantly stabbed the wound with needles coated in hydrogen peroxide that burned his new cut as it bled.

He was waterboarded, cut across his chest and arms, and beaten on with blunt objects throughout this time before being forced back into a cell to lay until the next torture session.

He shook in a corner, tears slowly falling from his eyes as a look of pure hatred appeared on his face. Slowly but surely, he was starting to hate humans more and more.

"They're all... Ungrateful..." he repeated to himself. "I have to finish... Mission... Finish... Mission..."

He was told by the doctors that he would be tortured like this daily until he screamed for them. He spat on one of them as they beat on him and told them to go to Hell.

"I won't be broken.." Kenju swore, slowly standing up through constant pain. His bruises slowly healed before his eyes as he focused. "I won't let these few people change my view of everyone... I'll kill this entire organization as soon as I break free. Now, it's time to train..."

He lifted his arm and fired a blast of fusion matter at the glass, causing it to bounce around the room constantly. Kenju dodged the sphere for hours, redirecting it and avoiding it. He continued this even after the lights were turned off and he was in pitch black.

He made sure to get at least one hour of meditation before getting back to training.

"White Knight... You should have let me go when you had the chance..." he laughed, an insane gleam making its way into his eyes.

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