Chapter 7

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Kenju woke up in a hospital bed this time, yawning as he looked around at his surroundings. "Am I in... A tree?" he asked as he hopped out of the bed and looked down. He immediately covered his lower body in the bed sheets, blushing slightly. "Why am I only in my underwear!?"

Then he looked to Blossom's sleeping figure in a chair on the other side of the room and he almost passed out. 

'D-did she see my royal garments?' he questioned himself, blushing as he put his clothes on. The prince walked out of the room, getting occasional pats on the back by various soldiers. Eventually, he made his way out of the entire building, just to find out that he was inside of a hollowed out tree from the treehouse. 

Kitsu walked up to him and sighed. "I lost my entire squad aside from you,"

"Bummer," Kenju replied, glaring before leaning on a garage door that was merged with the tree. "Looks like you're stuck with me then,"

Kitsu folded his arms. "No. But Dexter found out about me having powers, so the new members will be... Special." He said.

"Special?" Kenju asked, now slightly curious. "What do you mean by that, dude?"

"We're getting two more squad members, and they each have something special to offer... One's in Goat's Junkyard clearing out an Infected Zone right now, but the other one is around the corner. She's not as powerful as us, but she'll be useful..." Kitsu explained, motioning for Kenju to follow him.

"What do you mean not as powerful as us? Clearly, I'm stronger than you," Kenju stated as he followed the other boy.

"Shaddup and meet our new squad member," Kitsu barked, pointing to a girl who was sitting on a bench staring at both of them.

"The hell is she?" Kenju asked, folding his arms.

"This is Sapphire," Kitsu replied. "She's our third member out of four,"

Sapphire smiled at the two and waved. "Nice to meet you!" she said, standing up and walking over to them. She was at the average height, and had lace-less sneakers that were all blue except for white parts at the toes and the back heel. She wore average fitting jeans with the Dex-Labs symbol on the back pockets, and a blue t-shirt with a bow on the front of it. Sapphire had brown hair that came straight down a bit below her shoulders, and brown eyes. She also had no weapons!

"What do you do?" Kenju asked, giving her a look of disbelief as he looked her up and down. "Do you like... Shoot fire or something?"





"Nope! Nope! And nope!"

Kenju facepalmed. "Kitsu, how's she special?"

"I tested her in the training camp, and her physical combat skills are off the charts... She's from a destroyed world as well, so her strength is higher than most humans," Kitsu began before getting interrupted.

"Can she break a mountain?" Kenju asked.

"I dunno," Kitsu shrugged. "But anyway, her use of knives and bows are also off the charts... She doesn't carry anything on her, but we'll get her something to use while we're on the battlefield,"

"Tch... Fine," Kenju spat before glaring at Sapphire who stood there innocently. "Not trying to give you a hard time... But you better not screw up. Fuse is my kill,"

"Did he destroy your planet too?" Sapphire asked curiously.

"No. He's my father," Then Kenju walked off, leaving Sapphire alone with Kitsu.

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