Chapter 3

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A/N: Before anyone else questions it, I'll avoid any confusion with this: 
All CN characters who were children are now around 14-17. This means that the Powerpuff Girls and Rowdyruff Boys are 15. Dexter's 17, along with Ben(Don't ask, I can't have a grown up Ben 10...)Tennyson. I'll make an official age list or let you all wonder about it... Idk!

Enjoy :)

Chapter 3:

Kenju woke up with a jump, looking around at his surroundings.

"What the hell?" He tried to move, but couldn't. He glared at the restraints and began using more strength, causing them to tighten and make it even harder for him to get out.

"It's useless to struggle with those," Dexter's voice rang from in front of him.

"Who are you?!" Kenju shouted, struggling to the point that a small crack appeared on the floor.

"My name is Dexter, and I am a friend," the genius replied.

"You're not my friend," Kenju snickered. 

"Listen, please," Dexter pleaded. "Call off the invasion-"

"Who are you to try and command the prince of the Fusion race?" The prince's voice was full of venom and his eyes glowed green. "Besides, I couldn't do that even if I wanted to. My dad can, but won't do it, filth,"

Dexter let out a sigh before walking into the light with him. "Don't you understand what's happening right now? Can't you see that what your father is doing is wrong?!"


"People are dying! We're at war!"

Kenju shrugged. "Isn't that what happens in a war?" He then gave the genius a cold glare. "Plus, this isn't a war... This is mass genocide of your planet, filth. Resistance is futile,"

"What if it was your planet being invaded?" Dexter asked sharply.

"My dad would blow them up. Plus, who'd be dumb enough to attack a superplanet that literally has other planets sticking out of it? Face it, we're too powerful!"

"Who's the one sitting in restraints though, punk?" another voice asked. Brick made his way into the room with rage pouring into his glare at Kenju.

Dexter took a step back. "How'd you get in? The doo-" Brick interrupted him with a smakc to the chest that sent the boy genius flying through a door.

The prince glared at the boy who now had glowing red eyes. "What?" he asked plainly.

"Don't play dumb with me!" the Rowdyruff Boy shouted, punching Kenju in the stomach.

The prince got the wind knocked out of him as he kept getting punched for minutes that seemed like hours. "YOU LIKE MY GIRL DON'T YOU!? WELL... NO!" Brick punched him in the face and slammed his knee into the prince's face. "She's mine! Nobody touches or looks at my Bloss unless they have a death wish!"

Kenju's eyes watered slightly. Never before had he been this embarrassed and humiliated before, especially not from a lesser race!

"Had enough, boy?" Brick taunted, spitting on Kenju's boots.

The word "boy" repeated itself in the prince's mind. He remembered each time Fuse referred to him as a "boy" and his face contorted into a look of pure rage. "Don't..." he began, speaking lowly. "DON'T EVER... CALL ME THAT AGAIN!"

He ripped through the restraints in a burst of strength, blasting the chair back with as he reached out and held Brick in the air by his throat. He smirked cruelly as his eyes glowed green and a neon green sphere of energy formed in his free hand.

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