Chapter 21

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Kenju began to shake his head. "Okay, I can't stand these ridiculous names you keep giving these fusions..."

"You haven't met the Junkasaurus Wrecks!" Raitoningu laughed.

"That's... The last... Straw... Kitsu, Raito, on me. Let the others handle the incoming swarm of Cabinets coming towards us from the South, along with the Slashers."

"The hell's a Slasher? You mean a Streetgrinder?" Jason asked.

"Damn... It... ALL!!" Kenju burst off the ground towards the Asphalt Thief and elbowed the living hell out of it, cracking its jaw and sending it flying across the ground.

"Yeah, he's triggered..." Kitsu laughed.

Raitoningu looked at Kitsu and slapped the back of his neck. "Don't ever let me hear you say that again."

Kitsu laughed before forming shards of ice around himself and sending them flying towards the Asphalt Thief Prince as Kenju avoided its drills.

A swarm of Vile Cabinets came running in from behind a building, headed for the rest of the group. Jason took out a red, jagged sword and prepared for their arrival.

Cole whipped out a rifle, rapidly firing at the Vile Cabinets that headed towards them. Some of them were instantly knocked over by the laser bullets and dissolved into puddles of fusion matter. This caused some of the cabinets behind them to trip over them or slip, leaving numerous metal clangs in the air as they met the concrete.

Sapphire took her bow out once more and began firing as fast as she could, eyes remaining violet as her seemingly infinite arrows pierced through the center of each Vile Cabinet she targeted. 

Blossom and her sisters flew right through the swarm, knocking as many Vile Cabinets away as they could.

Eventually, the swarm was eliminated and they all turned around to watch Kenju, Kitsu, and Raitoningu fight the Asphalt Thief Prince.

Kenju beat on the giant Asphalt Thief with unrelenting force, obviously enraged for some reason. He spun around, kicking it in one of its drills, cracking the drill and causing the fusion to roar. 

Kitsu held its legs down with ice and forced it in place with wind as Raitoningu sent numerous bolts of lightning at it, causing its drills to whir slightly and chip.

"Those three are unstoppable together..." Sapphire smiled slightly. She then aimed an arrow at the Asphalt Thief Prince's open mouth and fired an arrow into it. "But they're taking too long,"

The Asphalt Thief Prince began to glow before it exploded into chunks, shaking the area.

Kenju blocked a piece of debris, slowly turning to Sapphire and smirking at her. 

"Why didn't you do that to the Don Doom?" he laughed.

Sapphire stared at him for a moment before her eyes immediately narrowed to his swords that were strapped to her back. Something clicked in her mind for a moment before she shook her head and turned around. "You guys ready?"

Jason stood up, stabbing a remaining Vile Cabinet in its eyes. "Yeah, we gotta find Paradox. He'll help us out with finding Ship... Then we can get to Ben, Kevin, and Gwen so they can help us out in the Darklands!"

"I thought we were freeing the city," Kitsu blinked.

"We'll need an army for that," Cole cut in. "We're strong, but not that strong... There's Terrafusion pod thingies all over the city... Inside of buildings, in subway stations, everywhere. Once we find Mandark's Ship in the Darklands and get him to work with Dexter everything will be fine,"

"I'm sure Dexter is fine on his own when it comes to making weapons and stuff for us to fight with," Sapphire glared. 

"Mandark and Dexter together are unbeatable. If we manage to get them to work together during the war, then our chances of winning will increase by a lot! And it'll be over a lot sooner," Jason stated.

"You guys seem to know a lot more than what Dexter explained to us back at the debriefing place," Kitsu folded his arms.

"Well, we are elites, afterall..." Jason glared. "We know things that normal squads don't know,"

"We're all in this together!" Kitsu retorted. "All knowledge should be shared, and that way we'll prevent a lot more deaths!"

"Some things people don't need to know. They'll die, yeah... But at least they'll be free of the pain of knowing some things. This war could be over by next month if Mandark joins forces with Dexter... Maybe a few weeks if Vilgax and Ben also work together," Cole began to explain.

Cole and Jason began arguing with Kitsu before Kenju physically intervened by pushing them all back forcefully.

"Shut the hell up. I have a question..." Kenju demanded, his eyes cold as steel. "You're telling me... This war could be over if two people settled their differences? People are dying because of rivalries? You humans are fucking stupid,"

Jason raised his sword and Kenju unsheathed his own.

"Swing, worm." Kenju glared. "I want you to..."

Cole raised a pistol to Kenju's head and turned the safety off. "Don't threaten my brother,"

Everyone watched in shock as Kenju began to laugh like a madman.

"You really think I fear your primitive ass weapons? No, this war would not be over without me on your side or some extremely powerful hero that can move entire planets..." Kenju began. "My father blew up an entire planet when I was younger. That planet was the size of your solar system's Jupiter, maybe larger..."

Cole lowered his pistol, fear in his eyes.

"I upset the planet's core. This means that even I can destroy Earth if I wanted... Fortunately for you all, I happen to like some of the humans I've met." Kenju eyed Blossom as he said his last sentence causing her to blush slightly and frown up. She was obviously embarrassed and flustered.

Sapphire stared at Kenju for a while, taking in everything that he said. "Was... That planet named Dlentev?"

Kenju turned to her and his blades hummed with a dark energy that was familiar to Sapphire. Flashbacks of her family and friends, along with the other natives of the planet dying coursed through her mind and Kenju was sent flying by an unknown force, slamming into a wall and cracking it.

"It was..." he glared. "You must be the one that I let escape during my massacre. Ayumi was your sister, wasn't she? I knew you looked kinda familiar..."

"You let her die, you bastard!" Sapphire screamed, her violet eyes glowing strangely as Kenju was pushed farther into the building. "Don't even speak about her! I knew I hated you for a reason, Kenju!"

Nicole and Raitoningu stayed back, along with everyone else as they watched.

"What... Does that mean Kenju-" Kitsu began.

"Yes. I'm responsible for the destruction of her world..." Kenju answered, glaring directly at Sapphire who was furious. An arrow was aimed directly at him, glowing with her own rage.

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